ImportantThe following types of documents may not be corrected properly since the textcannot be detected correctly.Documents in which the text lines are inclined more than 10 degrees or theangles vary by lineDocuments containing both vertical and horizontal textDocuments with extremely large or small fontsDocuments with small amount of textDocuments containing figures/imagesHand-written textDocuments containing both vertical and horizontal lines (tables)NoteScanning takes longer than usual when you enable Correct slanted textdocument.• Detect the orientation of text document and rotate imageAutomatically rotates the image to the correct orientation by detecting the orientationof text in the scanned document.ImportantOnly text documents written in languages that can be selected from DocumentLanguage in the Settings (General Settings) dialog are supported.The orientation may not be detected for the following types of settings ordocuments since the text cannot be detected correctly.Resolution is outside the range of 300 dpi to 600 dpiFont size is outside the range of 8 points to 48 pointsDocuments containing special fonts, effects, italics, or hand-written textDocuments with patterned backgroundsIn that case, select the Check scan results checkbox and rotate the image inthe Save Settings dialog.(2) Save Settings Area• File NameEnter the file name of the image to be saved. When you save a file, the date and fourdigits are appended to the set file name in the "_20XX0101_0001" format.• Data FormatSelect the data format in which to save the scanned images.You can select JPEG/Exif, TIFF, PNG, PDF, or PDF (Multiple Pages).48