44NOTE• The adjustment value can be set for each typeof print media (for vertical adjust, by type and bysize). For more information about the adjustmentfunction, refer to the User's Guide.Example� When printing on a tube in the”Centered” position, the text is shiftedto the left, so move the print startposition 2�0 mm to the right�ABCDABCDMove the print start position2.0 mm to the right.1 Operate the printer as follows�For MK5000:Press the [Adjust] key.For MK3000:1) Press the [Option] key.2) Use [ ] or [ ] to select ”Print adjust”and press the [Enter] key.OptionPrint adjustDelete AllFile2 Use [ ] or [ ] to select ”Top position”,and press the [Enter] key�AdjustmentsTop positionVerticalPositionLength Select ”Top position” to correct the shift inthe left/right direction relative to the printdirection. Select ”Vertical Position” to correct the verticalshift in the print direction. To correct the cut length, select ”Length”.3 Use [ ] or [ ] to select ”Tube”, andthen press the [Enter] key�Top adjustShrinkTubeLabel NormalNormalNormalTube4 Use [ ] to display ”R 2�0mm,” and thenpress the [Enter] key�Normal (no adjustment):ATop position adjustNormalAdjust the direction to 2.0mm right:ATop position adjustR 2. 0 For top position adjust, use [ ] or [ ] toinput adjustment value. For vertical adjust, use [ ] or [ ] to inputadjustment value. For length adjust, use [ ] or [ ] to inputadjustment value. You can also use the [+]/[-]keys or numeric keys for input.5 Press [Shift] + [Canc] keys(or [Shift] + [Cancel] keys)� The display returns to the character inputdisplay.