Important• If the limit on the number of registration is exceeded, the print history registrations are deletedstarting from the oldest one.Add documents from history to the listAdds the document saved in the print history to the document list.ExitEnds the Canon IJ XPS Preview. The documents remaining in the document list will be deletedfrom the list.This command has the same function as the Exit in the print settings area.Edit MenuSelects the method for editing multiple documents or pages.UndoReverses the previous change.If the change cannot be reversed, this function is grayed out and cannot be selected.This command has the same function as the (Undo) on the toolbar.DocumentsSelects the method for editing print documents.Combine DocumentsCombines the documents selected in the document list into one document.If only one document is selected, this command is grayed out and cannot be selected.This command has the same function as the (Combine Documents) on the toolbar.Reset DocumentsReturns the document selected in the document list to their status before they were added tothe Canon IJ XPS Preview.The combined documents are separated, and the original documents are restored.This command has the same function as the (Reset Documents) on the toolbar.Move DocumentUse the following command to change the order of the documents selected in the documentlist.Move to FirstMoves the selected print document to the beginning of the document list.If the currently selected document is the first document, this command is grayed out andcannot be selected.Move Up OneMoves the selected print document one up from its current position.If the currently selected document is the first document, this command is grayed out andcannot be selected.Move Down OneMoves the selected print document one down from its current position.If the currently selected document is the last document, this command is grayed out andcannot be selected.Move to LastMoves the selected print document to the end of the document list.If the currently selected document is the last document, this command is grayed out andcannot be selected.379