COPYRIGHT © 1998 CANON INC. CANON NP7161/NP7160 REV.0 AUG. 1998 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)10–4B. Points to Note for Scheduled ServicingPartLens Blower brush CleaningCopyboard glass Alcohol CleaningScanner rail Lubricant LubricateReflecting plate Blower brush CleaningNo. 1 to 3 mirrors Blower brush; or,alcohol and lint-freepaperCleaning with a blowerbrush; if excessive,cleaning with alcoholTool/solvent Remarks Part Tool/solvent RemarksPart Tool/solvent RemarksPart Tool/solvent RemarksPart Tool/solvent RemarksCharging wire Alcohol and lint-freepaperDry wiping; then, cleaningwith lint-free papermoistened with alcoholStatic eliminator Brush (attachment) CleaningDeveloping rol CleaningDust-proofing glassNo. 4 to 6 mirrorsBlower brush oralcohol and lint-freepaperCleaning with a blowerbrush; if excessive,cleaning with alcohol.Fixing upper roller,Fixing lower rollerDry wipingCleaningLint-free paperLubricant andlint-free paperSeparation claw(upper/lower)Separation roller CleaningFeed rollerPick-up rollerMultifeeder pick-up rollerTransfer guide Moist cloth CleaningWaste toner box Checking/collecting