OPERATIONS AND TIMING RSEVi. STANDARDSANDADJUSTMENTSi 2. Image Leading Edge Margin (point ofA. Mechanical detection for registration). The leading edge margin must be 0.2 to1 a ier ao peli back 5.0 mm when the Test Sheet is copied.. | (position of white paint on Dac To adjust, move the position of the regis-org ass) : . tration cam.The leading edge non-image width mustbe 2.0 +1.0 mm when the Test Sheet is tcopied. A A *y — = : 0.2 to 5.0 [mm]et Figure 3-41soy, 2.0 + 1.0 [mm]ood Figure 3-39The leading edge non-image width isdetermined by the position of the white paintfound behind the copyboard glass.Copyboard glass Size indexWhite paintFigure 3-40COPYRIGHT©1994CANON INC. CANON PC300320/925, FC210:200 REVO JULY 1994 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)3-45