51Using the Software on the MacintoshPlatform – The BasicsThis chapter explains the procedures for using ImageBrowser to download the camera's imagesto the computer and print them.Read this chapter after completing the preparations in the Using the Software on theMacintosh Platform – Preparations section.Downloading Images to the ComputerBegin by downloading the images to your computer. The downloading procedure is slightlydifferent according to whether you are using a camera to computer connection (see below) ora memory card reader (p. 53).Camera to Computer ConnectionSet the ImageBrowser auto start settings before you connect the camera to the computer forthe first time. This step is not required from the second connection onward.You may not be able to download the camera images if there are more thanapproximately 1000 images in the camera. Use a memory card reader todownload in that case.You can also display an index of the camera or memory card images to checkthem before downloading or download them selectively. For instructions, seeChecking Images before Downloading (p. 66).ImageBrowser Auto Start Settings – OS X (v10.2/v10.3)1. Start Image Capture, click the [Image Capture] menu and select [Preferences].2. In the next menu, click the [When a camera is connected, open:] list box and select[Other].3. Select [CameraWindow] in the program selection window.CameraWindow is generally installed into the folder opened by selecting the[Applications], [Canon Utilities] and [CameraWindow] folders.4. Click [OK] and then close Image Capture.The window will appearslightly different in v10.2.