65Functions Selected from MenusSearch Images: [File] menu, [Search]Searches images by criteria such as Star Rating, dates, keywords, comments.Export Images: [File] menu, [Export Images]•Edit and Save: allows you to change the file type or size and export the file.•Export Shooting Properties: allows you to export the shooting properties as a text file.•Export as a Screensaver: Exports the image as a screen saver file.•Export an Image as Wallpaper: Exports the image as a wallpaper file.Organize Images: [File] menu, [Organize Image]•Sort Images: sorts images according to criteria such as the shooting date and time or StarRating and saves them into a specified folder.•Rename: changes the files names of multiple images in a single pass.Convert RAW Images: [File] menu, [RAW image processing]Converts RAW images. You can adjust the image brightness, contrast and color balanceamong other attributes during conversion (p. 70).Merge Panoramas: [Edit] menu, [PhotoStitch]Merges multiple images and creates a single large panoramic image (p. 75).Edit Movies: [Edit] menu, [Movie Edit]Edits movies or still images strung together. You can add titles or background music andapply various effects (p. 69).Display Settings: [View] menu, [View Settings]Hides or shows image information beneath the thumbnail, such as the file name or theshooting date and time.Sort Images: [View] menu, [Sort]Arranges image order in the Browser Area according to criteria such as the filename, filemodification date, file size or shooting date.