Table ofContentsChapter 1What isImageBrowser?Chapter 2Downloading andPrinting ImagesChapter 3What You Can Do witha Camera ConnectedChapter 4Viewing ImagesChapter 5Organizing ImagesChapter 6Using SupplementaryFeatures Appendices IndexImageBrowser Software User Guide 81 Back NextEditing Images (3/10)Adjusting Color and BrightnessUse this to adjust the RGB (red, green, blue) intensity, saturationand brightness of an image.1. Click [Edit] in the Viewer Window and select [Color/Brightness Adjustment].The Color/Brightness Adjustment window will open.2. Use the sliders to adjust the color attributes and thenclick [OK].This button switches between adjustment dialogs.You can use this button to compare the pre-adjustment image and the post-adjustmentimage by placing a check mark here.Clicking [Undo All] restores the image to the state before the adjustments.Clicking [Undo] reverses the action taken immediately prior.Clicking [Redo] restores the action cancelled by clicking Undo.RGB Adjustment Window Color Adjustment Window