16AppThe QR code cannot be scanned.• Check that there is no shadow on the QR code and that the QR code isbeing scanned from the front.• Some smartphones may be unable to scan the QR code well. In thiscase, register the printer manually.The message “This photo cannot be used.” is displayed.• If “This photo cannot be used.” is displayed by the app, the image sizemay be too large. Shrink, trim, or otherwise reduce the image size andthen try to print again.When an error message is displayed• When trouble occurs in the printer, the printer lamps will indicate an errorand a message will also be displayed on the smartphone screen. Whenthe action to be taken is displayed together with the error message,perform the instructed operations. When only an error message isdisplayed, refer to the examples in “Troubleshooting” and check therelevant items. If the problem is not resolved, contact a CustomerSupport Help Desk.• When turning the printer off and back on again, make sure that the paperand ink cassette are loaded correctly before turning on the power.Updating the app and the printer• Always use the latest version of SELPHY Photo Layout. (=6)• It may be necessary to update the printer firmware when printing. Thisrequires a sufficient battery level.• Do not turn off the power or press the Forced shutdown switch whilefirmware update is in progress.