45. Wireless Multi-Flash E- TTL Autoflash OperationT h e r e a r e t w o t y p e s of wirelessmulti - flash E-TTL autoflash opcr-ations:a < RATIO > O F F : All slaves firethe same flash output.Q)< RATIO > ON: Slaves are givena n ID, e i t h e r A o r B. T h e f l a s hratio is then set for each ID.The flash ratio can be set only whenthe camera is an EOS -3.The flash ratio cannot be set with anEOS Elan IVIIE, EOS 50/5OE, EOS RebelG/500N, EOS IX or EOS K71X Lite.a By changing t h e distancebetween t h e subject a n dslaves, the lighting balance(flash ratio) can be changedaccordingly.Two or more slaves can beused.With the EOS - 3, a modelingflash can be fired to checkt h e lighting effects beforethe picture is taken.As a n e x a m p l e , t w o s l a v e s a r eused here, one positioned on t h eleft a n d t h e other on t h e right ofthe subject.All t h e s l a v e s s e t a t t h e s a m ec h a n n e l fire a t t h e s a m e o u t p u tcontrolled by E - TTL autoflash t oobtain a correct exposure.Thc operation ~rooedureis thc samea s with wireless I.>-'ITI, autoflash.0 With the EOS-3, make sure theS T - E 2 ' s f l a s h r a t i o controllamp is off. (If necessary, pressthe > button to turn itoff.) If the flash ratio controllamp is on, the Speedlite maynot fire or a correct exposuremay not be a t t a i n e d . Afterturning off the flash ratio con-trol lamp, set the main switchto > to prevent the flashratio control lamp from light-ing inadvertantly.Sample Multi - FlashSetup with UniformFlash Output +%-In t h e sample flash s e t u p shownbelow, t h e lighting on t h e left willbe b r i g h t e r t h a n on t h e r i g h t oft h e subject.OutdoorsCOPY