![Canon VIXIA HF200 Instruction Manual Manual pdf 63 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/4940489/28435f4efe49665e2b7a40c088ac7b8463f.jpg)
Changing the Shutter Speed and ApertureSelect the [ P Programmed AE] recording program to use functions likethe white balance or image effects. Select one of the other automaticexposure recording programs to control the shutter speed or aperture.I (Q3 34)Options (* Default value)[ P _re#ra_ed,&_]* The camcorder automatically adjusts theaperture and shutter speed to obtain the optimal exposure forthe subject.[ TV Sh_tter-Pt_er_ty A_] Set the shutter speed value. The cam-corder automatically sets the appropriate aperture value. Usefaster shutter speeds to record subjects moving quickly; useslower shutter speeds to add motion blur, emphasizing the feel ofmovement.[_V A_ert_re-Pr_er_ty _] Set the aperture value. The camcorderautomatically sets the appropriate shutter speed. Use low aper-ture values (larger lens opening) to softly blur the background in aportrait; use high aperture values (smaller lens opening) to get awider depth of field, giving a sharp focus all throughout a land-scape.* WhenpressO [P Programmed AE] O Desired recording program* Oyou select ['IV Shutter-PriorityAE] or [AV Aperture-PriorityAE], do notand continue instead with the following procedure,To set the shutter speed or aperture value1 Press (_).2 Adjust (_l_) the shutter speed or aperture value to the desiredvalue.3 Press _, then _ to save the setting and close the menu.Shutter speed guidelinesNote that on screen only the denominator is displayed - [Tv 250] indi-cates a shutter speed of 1/250 second, etc.Video * 63