Recording47RecordingEAvailablity of functions in each recording program.RecordingprogramsEXP LOCK buttonIRIS/SELECT dialSHUTTER buttonAE LEVEL dialGAIN knobWHITE BALANCEdialWHITE BALANCEset buttonColor, Sharpness,Setup LeveladjustmentCSTM PRESETSELECT buttonCSTM PRESETON/OFF buttonCSTM KEYS1buttonCSTM KEYS2buttonMovie mode16:9Frequencyselection of ClearScanClear ScanColour BarsDigital zoomFade triggerh: Available i: Not available*1: Available when the Exposure is locked.*2: Available during the Clear Scan.*3: The SHUTTER buttons have no effect you lock the exposure during Clear Scan operation in Tv mode.[ (EasyRecording)iiii (fixed at 0)i (fixed atauto)i (fixed atauto)ihiihhi (fixed atnormal)i (fixed at off)iiiAutoi *1i *1iiTvhh *1hhh *2hAvhi *1iihhManualihhih *2hSpotlightiiiii (fixed at0dB)iiDuringExposure LOCK—hhihh *2i *3hhhhhhhhhhh