29Inserting and Removing a TapeUse only videocassettes marked withthe logo.1 Slide fully in thedirection of the arrow and openthe cassette compartment cover.The cassette compartment opensautomatically.2 Insert the cassette.• Insert the cassette with the windowfacing the grip belt.• To remove a cassette pull it straightout.3 Press the mark on thecassette compartment until itclicks.4 Wait for the cassette compartmentto retract automatically and closethe cassette compartment cover.IMPORTANT• Do not interfere with the cassettecompartment while it is opening orclosing automatically, or attempt toclose the cover before the cassettecompartment has fully retracted.• Be careful not to get your fingers caughtin the cassette compartment cover.NOTESIf the camcorder is connected to a powersource, cassettes can be inserted/removed even if the switch is setto .OPEN/EJECTCOPY