22 2-312-31Technical Overview > Pickup And Feeding System > Reversal Delay Jam > Stationary JamsTechnical Overview > Pickup And Feeding System > Reversal Delay Jam > Stationary Jams■ Stationary Jams● Pickup Stationary JamWithout pre-feed, a feed stationary jam is determined if the TOP sensor (PS751) cannotdetect the trailing edge of paper within 3960 (7920) ms after the leading edge is detected bythe TOP sensor (PS751).With pre-feed, a feed stationary jam is determined if the TOP sensor (PS751) cannot detectthe trailing edge of paper within 4740 (9480) ms after the leading edge is detected by theTOP sensor (PS751).Note :"4740 ms" is the time equivalent of two LGL sheets. If LGL sheets are fed after A4-sizestandard continuous printing at pre-feed, the second LGL sheet may be fed as an A4-size standard sheet and therefore two LGL sheets may be fed almost with no break. Toprevent this from stopping the machine by a jam, the feed stationary jam detection timeduring pre-feed is set to 4740 ms at full speed.● Delivery Stationary JamThe delivery sensor (PS701) is monitored for 265 (530) ms from 715 (1430) ms after no-paper detection by the TOP sensor (PS751), a delivery stationary jam is determined.Note :The margin is set to 20 mm because paper may spring up.● Reversal Stationary JamAfter the start of reversal, if the delivery sensor (PS701) does not detect the no-paper statuswithin 2570 (5140) ms after paper detection, a reverse stationary jam is determined.Note :This jam is determined if the delivery sensor (PS701) keeps detecting sensor for thetime of delivering LEGAL + 30 mm.● Pickup Stationary Jam during auto deliveryA pickup stationary jam is determined if the Paper Lead Edge Sensor (PS751) detectspresence of paper at the time of 1115 msec elapsed after the start of auto delivery and thenthe Paper Lead Edge Sensor (PS751) detects presence of paper after the paper continued tobe fed for 2730 msec.● Derivery Stationary Jam during auto deliveryIf there is no paper at the TOP sensor (PS751) 1235 (2470) ms after the start of auto deliveryand there is paper at the delivery sensor (PS701) after further paper delivery of 980 (1965)ms, a delivery stationary jam is determined.If there is paper at the TOP sensor (PS751) 1235 (2470) ms after the start of auto deliveryand there is paper at the delivery sensor (PS701) after further paper delivery of 3075 (7410)ms, a delivery stationary jam is determined.● Delivery Stationary Jam during cleaningA delivery stationary jam is determined if the Fixing Delivery Sensor (PS701) fails to detectabsence of paper within 2535 msec since the Main Motor started rotating after the cleaningstep.● Delivery Stationary Jam during warm-up rotationIf the delivery sensor (PS701) detects paper during warm-up rotation, a delivery stationaryjam is determined.