Basic Printing83 Specify the required settings.4 Print the document.Note z From the Page SetupPage SetupPage SetupPage Setup tab, select the correct document size to beprinted.z To adjust Print Quality settings, select CustomCustomCustomCustom and click SetSetSetSet on theMainMainMainMain tab. You can control quality in the Set Print QualitySet Print QualitySet Print QualitySet Print Quality dialog box.z For details about other printer driver functions, refer to theUser’sGuide or Help.z Select Preview before printingPreview before printingPreview before printingPreview before printing by clicking the check box. Thisdisplays a preview screen that allows you to confirm the selectedprinting effects and how your document will look when printed.Some applications do not contain the function to display thepreview.Note You can cancel a print job in progress by simply pressing the RESUME/RESUME/RESUME/RESUME/CANCELCANCELCANCELCANCEL button on the printer.(1) Click Media TypeMedia TypeMedia TypeMedia Type to selectthe type of media loaded inthe printer.(2) Click OKOKOKOK.(1) Click PrintPrintPrintPrint.