Check Sheet for the Periodic Inspection of the Breaker4-6Appendix4Check Sheet for the Periodic Inspection of theBreakerCopy this page for future use, and store it in a safe place near the machine in order to documentyour periodic inspections of the breaker.■ How to Inspect the Breaker PeriodicallyFollow the procedure described in "Periodic Inspection of the Breaker," on p. xxiv, once or twice amonth.■ How to Fill in This Check SheetFill in the date of inspection and the name of the inspector.When the inspection is completed successfully, write a check mark under "OK."If not, contact your local authorized Canon dealer. (Also, write a check mark under "NG" (No Good).)Date ofInspectionDate ofInspectionInspector InspectorResult ResultOK NG OK NG