G-4GGlossaryJJJJJamA situation created when paper becomes caught along the paper path. You must removejammed paper before you can continue printing.KKKKKilobyte (KB)A unit of measurement, representing the binary number 1024, used to describe printer orcomputer memory size in thousand-byte units.LLLLLandscapeThe printing of text and graphics along the length of the page.Local printerA printer that is directly connected to your computer, using a parallel or USB cable.MMMMMegabyte (MB)A unit of measurement, representing one million bytes, used to describe printer or computermemory size.My ComputerThe Windows program that you can use to browse through your computer’s filing system, andto open drives, folders, and files. You can also use My Computer to manage your files andyour filing system, by moving, copying, renaming, and deleting items.NNNNNetPilotThis utility is used to control network printers.NetworkA group of computers connected by cables or other means and using software that enablesthem to share equipment (such as printers) and exchange information.Network AdapterAn optional device that allows you to connect your printer directly to a network. See alsoPeer-to-peer connection.OOOOOrientationThe printing of text either along the width (portrait) or length (landscape) of the page.