TESTMODE (Service mode for test print, operation check, etc.) > SCAN (SCAN Test Mode)TESTMODE (Service mode for test print, operation check, etc.) > SCAN (SCAN Test Mode) > BOOKFEEDSTOP Finish document scan operation testDetail To finish document scanning operation test.Adj/Set/Operate Method Scanning operation is finished by pressing Stop.Related Service Mode TESTMODE > SCAN > BOOKFEED > PAGETESTMODE > SCAN > BOOKFEED > SPEEDTESTMODE > SCAN > BOOKFEED > STARTFAX (FAX test mode)■ MODEMTESTMODE (Service mode for test print, operation check, etc.) > FAX (FAX test mode) > MODEMFREQ Send selected frequencyDetail To close DC circuit and send the selected frequency using tone sending function of modem.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the setting valueDisplay/Adj/Set Range 462Hz, 1100Hz, 1300Hz, 1500Hz, 1650Hz, 1850Hz, 2100HzSupplement/Memo Fax model onlyG3TX TX image signal at the selected speedDetail To close DC circuit and send the selected G3 signal pattern at the selected speed using the G3signal sending function of modem.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the setting valueDisplay/Adj/Set Range 300bps, 2400bps, 4800bps, 7200bps, 9600bps, TC7200, TC9600, 12000bps, 14400bpsSupplement/Memo Fax model onlyDTMFTX TX DTMF by DTMF send func of ModemDetail To close DC circuit and send the DTMF signal using DTMF sending function of modem.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the itemSupplement/Memo Fax model onlyV34G3TX TX img sgl at the selected speed (V.34)Detail To close DC circuit and send the image signal at selected speed and modulation speed (baud rate)using G3 signal sending function (V.34) of modem.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the setting valueDisplay/Adj/Set Range SPEED: 2400bps, 3429baud, 3200baud, 3000baud, 2800baud, 2743baud, 2400baudSupplement/Memo Fax model only● RELAY-1TESTMODE (Service mode for test print, operation check, etc.) > FAX (FAX test mode) > MODEM > RELAY-1H Test relays and port switch of NCUDetail To test ON/OFF of relays and port switch of NCU.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the itemSupplement/Memo Fax model only■ FACULTYTESTMODE (Service mode for test print, operation check, etc.) > FAX (FAX test mode) > FACULTYG34800TX TX 4800bps by G3 sgl send func of ModemDetail To close DC circuit and send frequency (4800bps) using G3 signal sending function of modem.Adj/Set/Operate Method Select the itemSupplement/Memo Fax model only8. Service Mode277