Glossary6-4Appendix6CommandAn instruction that tells the machine to perform a certain function. Commands aresent from the computer to the machine via the interface cable when the machine isready.ContrastThe degree of difference between the lightest and darkest areas of an image.Decreasing contrast lightens the dark areas and darkens the light areas; increasing itdarkens the dark areas and lightens the light areas.Control PanelThe set of Windows programs you can use to change system, hardware, software,and Windows settings.DDefault settingA setting that is automatically used if no other setting is specified.DesktopThe entire Windows screen that represents your work area in Windows. Icons,windows, and the taskbar are displayed on the Windows desktop.dpiDots per inch. A unit of measurement for indicating a printer's resolution. The CanonimageCLASS MF5700 Series prints at a resolution of 600 dpi.DriverA program that controls how the computer and an external device interact. Forexample, the printer driver supplies Windows with information such as descriptions ofthe fonts and features of the installed printer.EExifThe Exif (Exchangeable Image File) format is a JEIDA (Japan Electronic IndustryDevelopment Association) standard used by most digital cameras to store images.The Exif compressed files use the baseline JPEG format, so they can be read by anyapplication supporting “JPEG.” EXIF supports the storage of extra information, suchas the date & time the image was taken, exposure information, etc., within the headerof each JPEG file.