VPAT (DR-9050C/7550C/6050C)Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - DetailVoluntary Product Accessibility TemplateCriteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations(a) When software is designed to run on asystem that has a keyboard, productfunctions shall be executable from akeyboard where the function itself or theresult of performing a function can bediscerned textually.Supports(b) Applications shall not disrupt or disableactivated features of other products that areidentified as accessibility features, wherethose features are developed anddocumented according to industrystandards. Applications also shall notdisrupt or disable activated features of anyoperating system that are identified asaccessibility features where the applicationprogramming interface for thoseaccessibility features has been documentedby the manufacturer of the operating systemand is available to the product developer.Supports(c) A well-defined on-screen indication ofthe current focus shall be provided thatmoves among interactive interface elementsas the input focus changes. The focus shallbe programmatically exposed so thatAssistive Technology can track focus andfocus changes.Supports(d) Sufficient information about a userinterface element including the identity,operation and state of the element shall beavailable to Assistive Technology. When animage represents a program element, theinformation conveyed by the image mustalso be available in text.Supports with exceptions Brightness and Contrast control inthe driver setting are conveyed byimage only.(e) When bitmap images are used toidentify controls, status indicators, or otherprogrammatic elements, the meaningassigned to those images shall be consistentthroughout an application's performance.Supports(f) Textual information shall be providedthrough operating system functions fordisplaying text. The minimum informationthat shall be made available is text content,text input caret location, and text attributes.Supports(g) Applications shall not override userselected contrast and color selections andother individual display attributes.Supports(h) When animation is displayed, theinformation shall be displayable in at leastone non-animated presentation mode at theoption of the user.Not applicable The driver/ utility software doesnot utilize animation.(i) Color coding shall not be used as theonly means of conveying information,indicating an action, prompting a response,or distinguishing a visual element.Not applicable(j) When a product permits a user to adjust Not applicable The product does not permit the2