VPAT (DR-9050C/7550C/6050C)Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, Closed Products - DetailVoluntary Product Accessibility TemplateCriteria Supporting Features Remarks and explanations(a) Self contained products shall be usableby people with disabilities without requiringan end-user to attach Assistive Technologyto the product. Personal headsets for privatelistening are not Assistive Technology.Supports with exception Opening the upper unit requiresmore than the 5 lb. (22.2N)maximum.(b) When a timed response is required, theuser shall be alerted and given sufficienttime to indicate more time is required.Not applicable(c) Where a product utilizes touchscreens orcontact-sensitive controls, an input methodshall be provided that complies withSection 1194.23 (k) (1) through (4).Supports with exception See (k)(1)-(k)(4) below for moredetails.(k)(1) Products which have mechanicallyoperated controls or keys shall comply withthe following: Controls and Keys shall betactilely discernible without activating thecontrols or keys.Supports All hard keys are tactilelydiscernible.(k)(2) Products which have mechanicallyoperated controls or keys shall comply withthe following: Controls and Keys shall beoperable with one hand and shall notrequire tight grasping, pinching, twisting ofthe wrist. The force required to activatecontrols and keys shall be 5 lbs. (22.2N)maximum.Supports with exception Opening the upper unit requiresmore than the 5 lb. (22.2N)maximum.(k)(3) Products which have mechanicallyoperated controls or keys shall comply withthe following: If key repeat is supported,the delay before repeat shall be adjustableto at least 2 seconds. Key repeat rate shallbe adjustable to 2 seconds per character.Supports .(k)(4) Products which have mechanicallyoperated controls or keys shall comply withthe following: The status of all locking ortoggle controls or keys shall be visuallydiscernible, and discernible either throughtouch or sound.Supports(d) When biometric forms of useridentification or control are used, analternative form of identification oractivation, which does not require the userto possess particular biologicalcharacteristics, shall also be provided.Not applicable(e) When products provide auditory output,the audio signal shall be provided at astandard signal level through an industrystandard connector that will allow forprivate listening. The product must providethe ability to interrupt, pause, and restart theNot applicable There is no function to delivervoice output.4