Installing the Software3-34ImportantInstalling a Macintosh ConnectionThis chapter describes the computer software and settings required to use theprinter with a Macintosh computer. Do these procedures on all theMacintosh computers.Macintosh SoftwareThe following software is provided for using the printer with a Macintoshcomputer.GARO Printer DriverSoftware required for printing from a Macintosh. This must be installed onevery computer that will use the printer. The printer driver is used not onlyfor basic operation of the printer, you can also use the driver for manyfunctions such as setting preferences, adjusting color, and executing multiplecopy print jobs. The printer driver is on the provided User Software CD-ROM for Mac OS 8.6/9.x and Mac OS X.GARO PrintmonitorThis software utility displays details about printer errors with a Macintosh.This utility is installed automatically when the printer driver is installed.Remote UISoftware that allows you to perform network information settings for theprinter, to display the current status of the printer, to cancel or temporarilypause print jobs, or to display the print job history. This software utility isbuilt into the printer ROM. Use a Web browser from the computer to set theprinter IP address and to perform operation settings through the network.(Æ Network Guide)If the Remote UI is to be used, the IP address must be set on the printer.z If you are using the Remote UI with Mac OS 8.6/9.x, open TCP/IP on the ControlPanel and make sure that Ethernet is selected for the Connect via.