Updates Regarding Additional Functions 5System SettingsThe following items have been added:Item Settings Default Setting Reference PageCertificate SettingsGenerate KeyGenerate a key pair byspecifying the following:Key Name: 24 charactersmaximumSignature Algorithm: SHA1,SHA256, SHA384, SHA512Key Length (bit): 512, 1024,2048, 4096Validity Start Date: Enter MM/ YYYY>.Validity End Date: Enter MM/ YYYY>.Country/Region: Australia(AU), China (CN), CzechRepublic (CZ), Germany (DE),Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE),Spain (ES), Finland (FI), France(FR), United Kingdom (GB),Greece (GR), Hungary (HU),Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Korea(KR), Netherlands (NL), Norway(NO), Poland (PL), Portugal(PT), Russia (RU), Sweden(SE), Singapore (SG), Slovenia(SI), Taiwan (TW), UnitedStates (US), Other (two-letterInternet country code)State: 24 characters maximumCity: 24 characters maximumOrganization: 24 charactersmaximumOrganization unit: 24characters maximumCommon Name: 48 charactersmaximumSHA1, 512 (bit),(The default Country/Region setting mayvary depending onthe country/region ofpurchase.)p. 8SSL SettingsFunctions using SSL arelisted. Press [Key and Cert.] forsetting the default key.Key and Certificate List: Showcertificate details, erase a keyand certificate, or display whatthe certificate is used for.– p. 13