15CRANKSHAFT — Remove pump end bearing head androtor. If connecting rod and piston assemblies are still in place.remove connecting rod caps and push piston assembly up intocylinder for crankshaft clearance. Pull crankshaft out throughpump end opening. Inspect crankshaft journals for wear andtolerances shown in Table 7. Check oil passages and clean ifclogged.PUMP END MAIN BEARING — This bearing is a machinedpart of the oil pump and bearing head casting. Disassemblebearing head. If bearing is scored or worn, replace the completebearing head.CRANKCASE AND MOTOR END MAIN BEAR-INGS — These bearings are not field replaceable. If bearingsare worn or damaged, replace compressor.Table 7 — Wear Limits — 06E Compressor*Maximum allowable wear above maximum or below minimum factorytolerances shown. For example: difference between main bearing diam-eter and journal diameter is .0035 in. (1.8760 – 1.8725) per factory tol-erances. Maximum allowable difference is .0045 in. (.0035 + .001).Compressor Running Gear ReplacementCRANKSHAFT — Be sure compressor end bearing washer isin place on dowel pin. Install crankshaft through pump end,carefully guiding it through main bearings. Replace rotor.CONNECTING ROD/PISTON ASSEMBLY (Fig. 18) — Theassembly of the connecting rod with contoured-crown pistonmust be as shown. Note the relationship of the piston crownpattern with the chamfered side of the rod bearing. This ensuresthat the rods in the outer positions on crankpins have thechamfers toward crankpin fillets. On 6-cylinder compressors,the position of the chamfer of center rod on crankpin has nosignificance.Lock the piston pin in place with retaining rings as shown inFig. 18.The retaining rings should be tight enough that they cannotbe rotated by finger pressure.Rings1. Check ring gap by inserting each ring separately in cylin-der approximately 3/8 in. from top. Ring gap should bebetween 0.002 in. and 0.007 inch.2. Install compression ring in top piston groove with eitherside up (no difference). Install oil ring below compressionring with notched end on bottom. Stagger ring gaps180 degrees.3. Measure side clearance between ring and piston(Table 6). Check rings for free action.Installation of Connecting Rod/Piston Assembly — Insert theconnecting rod/piston assemblies into cylinders with pistonspositioned as shown in Fig. 18 and 19.This is necessary so that the suction valve and backer lieproperly over the contoured piston crown.Be sure that the outer rod on each crankpin has thechamfered side toward the crankpin fillet (this is a doublecheck on the connecting rod/piston assembly).Install caps to matching connecting rods with chamferedsides aligned. Caps are secured with Nylock cap screws.Tighten with 8 to 10 lb-ft torque.COMPRESSOR PARTFACTORY TOL.(in.) MAXIMUMALLOWABLEWEAR* (in.)Max MinMOTOR ENDMain Bearing Diameter 1.8760 — 0.001*Journal Diameter — 1.8725PUMP ENDMain Bearing Diameter 1.6260 — 0.001*Journal Diameter — 1.6233CONNECTING RODBearing Diameter(After Assembly)1.7515 — 0.002*Crankpin Diameter — 1.7483THRUSTWASHER(Thickness) — 0.155 —CYLINDERSBore 2.6885 — 0.002Piston Diameter — 2.6817 0.002Wrist Pin Diameter — 0.8748 0.001Con. Rod Wrist Pin ID 0.8755 — 0.001Piston Ring End Gap 0.007 0.002 0.015Piston Ring Side Clearance 0.003 0.001 0.002VALVETHICKNESS Suction 0.0315 0.0305 0.0020.0255 0.0245Discharge 0.0225 0.0215 0.002END CLEARANCE 0.031 — 0.010CONNECTINGRODS ANDCAPSCRANKSHAFTOIL DRAINPLUG(MAGNETIC)BOTTOMCOVERPLATEOIL FILTERSCREENFig. 17 — View with Bottom Cover Plate RemovedRETAININGRING GROOVE(BOTH SIDES)CHAMFER MUSTBE ON THIS SIDEPOSITION RETAININGRING GAP APPROXIMATELYON THIS CENTERLINETOWARD SUCTION VALVEDOWELS IN CYLINDER DECKFig. 18 — Connecting Rod/Piston Assembly PreviousNext |