16Status CodesTable 3 shows the status codes flashed by the amber status light.Most system problems can be diagnosed by reading the statuscode as flashed by the amber status light on the control board.The codes are flashed by a series of short and long flashes of thestatus light. The short flashes indicate the first digit in the statuscode, followed by long flashes indicating the second digit of theerror code. The short flash is 0.25 second ON and the long flashis 1.0 second ON. Time between flashes is 0.25 second. Timebetween short flash and first long flash is 1.0 second. Timebetween code repeating is 2.5 seconds with LED OFF.Count the number of short and long flashes to determine theappropriate flash code. Table 3 gives possible causes and actionsrelated to each error.Example: 3 short flashes followed by 2 long flashes indicates a32 code. Table 3 shows this to be low pressure switch open.Table 3—Status CodesOPERATION FAULT AMBER LEDFLASH CODE POSSIBLE CAUSE AND ACTIONStandby – no call forunit operation None On solid, noflash Normal operationCool/Heat Operation None 1, pause Normal operationSystem Communica-tions Failure 16 Communication with user interface lost. Check wiring to UI, indoorand outdoor unitsHigh Pressure SwitchOpen 31 High pressure switch trip. Check refrigerant charge, outdoor fanoperation and coils for airflow restrictions.Low Pressure SwitchOpen 32 Low pressure switch trip. Check refrigerant charge and indoor airflowControl Fault 45 Outdoor unit control board has failed. Control board needs to bereplaced.Brown Out(24 v) 46The control voltage is less than 15.5v for at least 4 seconds. Com-pressor and fan operation not allowed until control voltage is a mini-mum of 17.5v. Verify control voltage.Outdoor Air TempSensor Fault 53 Outdoor air sensor not reading or out of range. Ohm out sensorand check wiringOutdoor Coil SensorFault 55 Coil sensor not reading or out of range. Ohm out sensor and checkwiringThermistors out ofrange 56 Improper relationship between coil sensor and outdoor air sensor.Ohm out sensors and check wiring.Thermal Cutout 72Compressor voltage sensed after start--- up, then absent for 10 con-secutive seconds while cooling demand exists. Possible causes areinternal compressor overload trip or loss of high voltage to com-pressor without loss of control voltage.Contactor Shorted 73Compressor voltage sensed when no demand for compressor op-eration exists. Contactor may be stuck closed or there is a wiringerror.No 230V at Compres-sor 74Compressor voltage not sensed when compressor should be start-ing. Disconnect may be open or contactor may be stuck open orthere is a wiring error.Thermal Lockout 82 Thermal cutout occurs in three consecutive cycles. Unit operationlocked out for 4 hours or until 24v power recycled.Low Pressure Lock-out 83 Low pressure switch trip has occurred during 5 consecutive cycles.Unit operation locked out for 4 hours or until 24v power recycled.High Pressure Lock-out 84 High pressure switch trip has occurred during 5 consecutive cycles.Unit operation locked out for 4 hours or until 24v power recycled.25HPA