![Carrier 30HXC Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions Manual pdf 41 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2856648/b657ee688e19e4317ed72fba52db7abc41f.jpg)
4111 - MAIN OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIESOptions N° Description Advantages 30HXCLow-temperature brine solution 6 Low temperature glycol solution productiondown to -10 °C with ethylene glycolCovers specific applications such as ice storageand industrial processes090, 110, 130, 155, 175,200, 230, 260, 310, 345IP44C electrical protection level 20 Control box thightness reinforced Permits unit installation in more severeenvrionments080-375Tropicalisation 22 Unit control box suitable for tropical climates Reduced relative humidity in the control boxes foroperation in tropical climates (warm and humid)080-375Soft Starter 25 Electronic starter on each compressor Reduced start-up current 200-375Cu/Ni condensers 33 Condenser tubes and tubes sheets in 90-10Copper/Nickel alloyAllows applications with sea water 080-375Cu/Ni condensers + Sakaphencoated water boxes34A Condenser tubes and tubes sheets in 90-10Copper/Nickel alloy and Sakaphen treatmentinside water boxesAllows applications with sea water, improveddurability of water boxes080-375Unit supplied in two assembledparts51 The unit is equipped with flanges that allowdisassembly of the unit on siteFacilitates installation in plant rooms with limitedaccess080-375460-3-60 power supply 60 Power supply of 460 V-3 ph-60 Hz Permits unit connection to a power network withspecific characteristics080-375380-3-60 power supply 61 Power supply of 380 V-3 ph-60 Hz Permits unit connection to a power network withspecific characteristics080-375Evap. pump power/control circuit 84 Unit equipped with an electrical power andcontrol circuit for one pump evaporator sideQuick and easy installation: the control of fixedspeed pumps is embedded in the unit control080-375Evap. dual pumps power/controlcircuit84D Unit equipped with an electrical power andcontrol circuit for two pumps evaporator sideQuick and easy installation: the control of fixedspeed pumps is embedded in the unit control080-375Cond. pump power/control circuit 84R Unit equipped with an electrical power andcontrol circuit for one pump condenser sideQuick and easy installation: the control of fixedspeed pumps is embedded in the unit control080-375Compressor suction valve 92 Valve set for the compressor suction side toisolate it in the refrigerant circuitSimplified service and maintenance 080-375Evaporator with one pass less 100C Evaporator with one pass on the water side.Evaporator inlet and outlet on opposite sides.Easy to install, depending on site. Reducedpressure drops080-375Condenser with one pass less 102C Condenser with one pass on the water side.Condenser inlet and outlet on opposite sides.Easy to install, depending on site. Reducedpressure drops080-37521 bar evaporator 104 Reinforced evaporator for extension of themaximum water-side service pressure to 21bar (standard 10 bar)Covers applications with a high water columnevaporator side (typically high buildings)080-37521 bar condenser 104A Reinforced condenser for extension of themaximum water-side service pressure to 21bar (standard 10 bar)Covers applications with a high water columncondenser side (typically high buildings)080-375Reversed evaporator waterconnections107 Evaporator with reversed water inlet/outlet Easy installation on sites with specificrequirements080-375Reversed condenser waterconnections107A Condenser with reversed water inlet/outlet Easy installation on sites with specificrequirements080-375J-Bus gateway 148B Two-directional communication boardcomplying with JBus protocolConnects the unit by communication bus to abuilding management system080-375BacNet gateway 148C Two-directional communication boardcomplying with BacNet protocolEasy connection by communication bus to abuilding management system080-375Lon gateway 148D Two-directional communication boardcomplying with Lon Talk protocolConnects the unit by communication bus to abuilding management system080-375High condensing temperature 150 Increased condenser leaving watertemperature up to 63°C. Control of the leavingwater temperature.Allows applications with high condensingtemperature (for heat reclaim or dry coolerapplications)080-375High condensing temperature innon-reversible applications150A Operation in heat pump mode only withcondenser leaving water temperature up to63°C.Allows applications with high condensingtemperature (for heat reclaim or dry coolerapplications)080-375Control for low cond. temperaturesystems152 Output signal (0-10 V) to control the condenserwater inlet valveSimple installation: for applications with cold waterat condenser inlet (ex. ground-source,groundwater-source, superficial water-sourceapplications) the signal permits to control a 2 or3-way valve to maintain condenser watertemperature (and so condensing pressure) atacceptable values080-375RS 485 communication interfacewith open protocol155 Additional RS 485 communication board Communication via CCN protocol 080-375Dual relief valves installed w/3-way valve194 Three-way valve upstream of the relief valveson the evaporator and the oil separatorValve replacement and inspection facilitatedwithout refrigerant loss. Comforms to Europeanstandard EN378/BGVD4080-190Compliance with Swissregulations197 Additional tests on the water heat exchangers:supply (additional of PED documents)supplementary certificates and testcertificationsConformance with Swiss regulations 080-375Compliance with Russianregulations199 EAC certification Conformance with Russian regulations 080-375Welded water exchangerconnection kit266 "Victaulic piping connections with weldedjoints"Easy installation 080-375Welded condenser waterconnection kit267 Victaulic piping connections with welded joints Easy installation 080-375Flanged evaporator waterconnection kit268 Victaulic piping connections with flanged joints Easy installation 080-375Flanged condenser waterconnection kit269 Victaulic piping connections with flanged joints Easy installation 080-375230V electrical plug 284 230V AC power supply source provided withplug socket and transformer (180 VA, 0,8 Amps)Permits connection of a laptop or an electricaldevice during unit commissioning or servicing080-375