5Table 1 — Thermostat Wiring Terminations(4-Pipe Systems)Table 2 — Thermostat Wiring Terminations(2-Pipe Systems)Changeover Sensor — If the thermostat is being usedwith a two-pipe heating/cooling system, a changeover sensor(33CSWCO-FC) may be used to provide automatic heat/coolmode changeover.Configure Advanced Setup — To enter the advancedsetup screens of the thermostat, press the Mode and Fan buttonssimultaneously for 10 seconds. The display will change. TheAdvanced Setup Step number is shown in the top right corner ofthe thermostat screen. Use the Mode button to advance throughthe steps. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW buttons to changethe settings. There are 13 Advanced Setup Steps. See Table 3.Press the Mode and Fan buttons at the same time to exit the Ad-vanced Setup mode.DISPLAY CONFIGURATION (Step 1) — The Display con-figuration is used to select what the thermostat will displaywhen it is not being used. If the configuration is set to ON, thethermostat will display mode, fan operation, set points, androom temperature. If the configuration is set to OFF, the ther-mostat will be blank. If any button is pressed, the thermostatscreen will return to full display. The default is ON.SINGLE OR DUAL SET POINT CONFIGURATION (Step2) — Step 2 is used to configure the thermostat for single ordual set point operation. The configuration can be set to 1 or 2.The default is 2. When the configuration is set to 1, there isonly one set point used for both heating and cooling. Whenthe configuration is set to 2, there are two set points (one forheating, one for cooling).TWO OR FOUR PIPE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION(Step 3) — Step 3 is used to configure the thermostat for use ina 2-pipe or 4-pipe system. When the configuration is set to 2,the thermostat will be configured for use with a 2-pipe system.Advanced Setup Step 4 must be configured correctly if Step 3is set to 2. When the configuration is set to 4, the thermostatwill be configured for use with a 4-pipe system. The defaultis 4.NOTE: Advanced Setup Step 4 will only be shown if Step 3 isset to 2.TWO-PIPE SYSTEM OPERATION (Step 4) — Step 4 isused to configure the thermostat for use in a 2-pipe system.The configuration can be set to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. The default is 3.When the Two-Pipe Operation configuration is set to 1, thetwo-pipe system will function as a Heat-Only system. Whenthe Two-Pipe Operation configuration is set to 2, the two-pipesystem will function as a Cool-Only system. When the Two-Pipe Operation configuration is set to 3, the two-pipe systemwill function as a Heat/Cool Auto-Changeover system. Whenthe Two-Pipe Operation configuration is set to 4, the two-pipesystem will function as a Heat/Cool system with auxiliary elec-tric heat (lockout electric heat when hot water is available).When the Two-Pipe Operation configuration is set to 5, thetwo-pipe system will function as a Heat/Cool system with totalelectric heat (no hot water heat).EXISTING WIREDESIGNATION FUNCTION TERMINALCONNECTIONY1, Y, or C Cooling Y1W1, W, or H Heating W1Rh, R, M, Vr, or A Power RC Common CG, F, or LOW Low Fan Speed GMED Medium Fan Speed G2HIGH High Fan Speed G3EXISTING WIREDESIGNATION FUNCTION TERMINALCONNECTIONY1, Y, or C Water Valve Y1W1, W, or H Strip Heater W1Rh, R, M, Vr, or A Power RC Common CG, F, or LOW Low Fan Speed GMED Medium Fan Speed G2HIGH High Fan Speed G3COMG3/(Y)G2/(W)GLOMEDHI(HEAT)(COOL)(VALVE)FAN24vacRCCOMGG3(Y)G2(W)RCG2G3GVVR24 Volt ColdWater Valve24 Volt Relayto Control Strip HeaterY1W133ZCRLYBRDTHERMOSTATFig. 7 — Typical Wiring Diagram — 2-Pipe, Low Voltage Valve, Chilled Water with Electric Strip Heat