309. Check to be sure the area around the air handler(s) isclear of construction dirt and debris.10. Check that final filters are installed in the air han-dler(s). Dust and debris can adversely affect systemoperation.11. Verify that the zone controller and the air handler con-trols are properly connected to the CCN bus.12. Remember to utilize good duct design and to providesufficient straight duct at the inlet of the box. A mini-mum of three times the inlet size is recommended.Network Addressing — Use the following methodwhen all the zone controllers are installed and powered, and theSPT sensors are wired and functioning properly. This methodcan be used if no addresses have been set previously. The ad-dress of an individual zone controller may be set by using theaddress search function on the Service Tool software when it isdirectly connected to the service port of the zone controller andthe CCN bus is disconnected. This is the standard method ofsetting the address.Addresses may also be set using the Service Tool AddressSearch Function if the zone controller is isolated from the CCNbus.Each zone controller will default to an address of 0, 140when its application software is initially loaded. Since multiplecontrollers will be on the same bus, a unique address must beassigned to each controller before the system can operate prop-erly. The assignment of controller addresses will be performedthrough software by using the Address Search function of theNetwork Service Tool, as follows:1. The software recognizes that the Zone Controller's ad-dress, stored in the zone controller memory, has not beenwritten yet (this will be true when the unit is first poweredup on the job, or after a jumper-initiated reset).2. Press the override button on the SPT (terminals J4-14 andJ4-12 are shorted) for 1 to 10 seconds.3. The zone controller address changes from 0, 140 to 239,239 for a period of 15 minutes.4. Use Network Service Tool to change the address from239, 239 to a valid system address within 15 minutes.NOTE: If the address is not changed from 239, 239 toa valid system address within 15 minutes, the control-ler will revert to address 0, 140 and use of the overridebutton will cause the address function to repeat. Theoperator MUST actively set the address even if thefinal desired address is 0, 140.Initial Operation and Test — Perform the followingprocedure:1. Apply 24 vac power to the control.2. Connect the service tool to the phone jack service portof the controller.3. Using the service tool, upload the controller fromaddress assigned in Network Addressing sectionabove.4. From the Terminal Service Configuration screen,properly configure the damper type and inlet size. If around inlet is used, then enter the size directly in theInlet Diameter decision. If a square, rectangular, orelliptical damper inlet is supplied, then enter the inletsize in square inches in the Inlet Area decision.5. If the terminal damper closes in the CW direction, thenno adjustment is required. Otherwise, locate thedamper direction configuration decision (CW Rota-tion) and toggle the value to OPEN by using the spacebar. This configuration decision is also located on theTerminal Service Configuration screen.6. After entering the area and rotation direction, verifyoperation of the damper. From the service tool Diag-nostic, Maintenance Screen, select the Zone AirBalance/Commissioning Table and force the Commis-sioning Mode point to Enable. Then select theDamper/Transducer Cal point and force this point toEnable. The controller automatically tests the actuatorby fully closing the damper.It checks the fully closed position to determine if thecontrol was properly mounted. It then opens thedamper. The control scales the actual actuator travelrange used to a 0 to 100% open value. Finally the con-trol will close the damper, test, and zero the pressuretransducer. When completed, the control automaticallyremoves the force from the Damper/Transducer Calpoint. If a failure occurs at any point during the testing,the Auto-Calibration point at the bottom of the screenwill indicate ALARM and the test will be aborted.7. The actuator stroke has now been calibrated for theproper rotation.Airflow Check — After the damper transducer calibrationhas been performed, the terminal is ready for an airflow check.To perform airflow check, make sure Terminal Type, PrimaryInlet Size, and Probe Multiplier settings on the Terminal Ser-vice Configuration screen are configured. If all of the terminalswere installed with the dampers open, it is acceptable to startthe fan at this time. If it becomes difficult for the air source toprovide the necessary static pressure for airflow testing, it maybe necessary to calibrate the damper transducer for a majorityof terminals and check temperatures and set points to be suremost will be controlling to less than maximum CFM when theair source is started.When the system fan is running and the static pressure isfairly stable access the Zone Air Balance/Commissioning tableand force the Commissioning Mode Point to Enable. The sys-tem is now ready to enable maximum CFM and check if theairflow controls correctly with the maximum CFM set point.Read the Zone Air Balance/Commissioning table section onpage 47 which describes the Zone Air Balance/Commissioningtable and what adjustments can be made from this screen. If themaximum airflow function is working properly, the user canstop here and leave the rest of the airflow calibration for the airbalance contractor.If working with the air balance contractor, proceed with theminimum airflow calibration at this time. If this terminal is fanpowered or the terminal was installed with heat, and the heatconfiguration was already performed, continue with the fanand heat test while the Zone Air Balance/Commissioning tableis still being displayed.Fan and Heat Configuration and Test — Per-form the following procedure to configure and test the fan andheat:1. Display the Terminal Service Configuration screen tomake sure the proper Terminal Type and Heat Type areconfigured. See the Configuration section to answerquestions about the individual configurations.2. From the Diagnostics Maintenance Screen select theZone Air Balance/Commissioning table.3. Force the Commissioning Mode to Enable.Before starting the air source fan, make sure that dampersat the system’s air terminals are not fully closed. Startingthe fan with dampers closed will result in damage to thesystem ductwork.501→