314. If the terminal is a parallel or series powered fan box,force the Fan Override to Enable. If the damper is openit may have to be repositioned to the proper positiondepending on the box type. Damper percent changewill be displayed. After the damper is positioned cor-rectly, the fan relay should energize and the fan shouldrun for a few seconds.5. Make sure the fan runs and the Fan Override decisionreturns to disabled to ensure the fan is wired correctlyfor proper operation.6. Force the Heating Override to Enable. If the unit is asingle duct unit, this must be done with the primaryterminal at reheat set point. The damper will modulateto maintain the terminal reheat CFM. The heat outputswill be commanded to provide maximum heat. If theunit is a fan powered terminal, the fan must be on.NOTE: The CFM settings can be found under service con-figuration in the table AIRFLOW.CONFIGURATIONThe following sections describe the computer configurationscreens which are used to configure the zone controller. Thescreens shown may be displayed differently when using differ-ent Carrier software.Points Display Screen — The Points Display screenallows the user to view the status of the air terminal controllerpoints. See Table 4.TERMINAL MODE — The terminal mode is determined bythe equipment mode as reported by linkage and space require-ments determined by space temperature and set points. TheZEROCAL and COMMISS modes are the result of the activat-ing the commissioning maintenance table to perform terminaltesting and commissioning.Terminal Mode: Display Units ASCIIDefault Value COOLDisplay Range HEAT, COOL, VENT,FAN AND VENT, DEHUMID, WARM-UP, REHEAT, PRESSURE, EVAC, OFF,ZEROCAL, COMMISSNetwork Access Read onlyTERMINAL TYPE — Terminal type is the confirmation ofthe terminal type configuration in the SERVCONF ServiceConfig table.Terminal Type: Display Units ASCIIDefault value SINGLDUCTDisplay Range SINGLDUCT, PARFAN, SER FAN, DUALDUCTNetwork Access Read onlyCONTROLLING SETPOINT — Controlling Setpoint willdisplay either the heating master reference or the cooling mas-ter reference depending upon what mode the terminal is in. Thedisplay will default to the heating master reference and displaythe last controlling master reference when in neither heatingnor cooling.ControllingSetpoint Display Units F (C)Default Value: –40Display Range: –40 to 245Network Access: Read onlySPACE TEMPERATURE — Space temperature from 10 kΩthermistor (Type III) located in the space.SpaceTemperature: Display Units F (C)Default Value -40.0Display Range -40.0 to 245.0Network Access Read/WritePRIMARY AIRFLOW — Volume of primary air calculatedfor pressure reading from the velocity pressure pickup probelocated in the input collar of the air terminal.Primary Airflow: Display Units cfmDefault Value 0Display Range 0 to 9999Network Access Read/WritePRIMARY DAMPER POSITION — Damper position per-cent range of rotation determined by the transducer calibrationprocedure. The zone controller is designed be used on damperswith any range of rotation.Primary DamperPosition: Display Units % openDefault Value 0Display Range 0 to 100Network Access Read only→ Table 4 — Points Display ScreenDESCRIPTION DEFAULT POINT NAMETerminal Mode COOL MODETerminal Type SINGLDUCT TYPEControlling Setpoint -40.0 F CNTSPSpace Temperature -40.0 F SPTPrimary Airflow 0 cfm PRIFLOPrimary Damper Position 100 % DMPPOSSupply Air Temperature 0.0 F SATLocal Heating Capacity 0 % HCAPTerminal Fan Off FANRelative Humidity 0 % RH RHAir Quality (ppm) 0 ppm AQSecondary Airflow 0 cfm SECFLOPrimary Air Temperature 0.0 F PATEMPHeat Dsable HEAT801→