Installation InstructionsDuct Pressure Powered, Wall-Mounted Thermostat for use withSystem-Powered 35BB,BC; 37AG,AH,AJ; 37CL,CM,CN and 37HS Air TerminalsGENERALThermostat Type — Wall thermostats are designatedas direct acting (DA) and reverse acting (RA). A DA ther-mostat will output an increasing pressure to the volume con-trol as the sensed temperature rises. An RA thermostat willoutput a decreasing pressure to the volume control as thesensed temperature rises.Thermostat Packages — There are 3 wall thermo-stat packages available, each complete with decorative cover.The dual thermostat has both an RA and a DA thermostatmechanism in a single case with cover. Refer to Fig. 1 forlocation of identification label. Wall thermostats can be ap-plied as shown in Table 1.Interconnecting tubing must be ordered separately. The maxi-mum amount of tubing allowed between volume controllerand thermostat is 100 ft of 1⁄ 4-in. OD FR (fire retardant) tub-ing. This tubing is available in 250-ft rolls (Carrier PackageNo. 35BB900172).The dual RA/DA thermostat is designed for use in air sys-tems which deliver both cooling air and heating air (37CL,C-M,CN and 37HS). A special changeover valve must be usedin this application. Package No. 37CM900152, containingthe changeover valve and installation instructions, must beordered separately.LOCATIONThe wall thermostat must be located properly for satis-factory control. The thermostat must be installed where itwill be exposed to free air circulation but will not be ex-posed to drafts. Do not install thermostat on exterior walls,in direct sunlight, or where it will be affected by lamps, com-puters or other heat producing appliances, or people. Locatethe thermostat 4 to 5 ft above the floor. Ensure there are nohot or cold water pipes or ducts behind the thermostat.INSTALLATION1. The thermostat mounts into a standard, field-supplied 2-in.x 4-in. electrical junction box. Two #6-32 screws are pro-vided with the thermostat. A 10-in. long piece of 5⁄ 32-in.ID Tygon tubing with an adaptor fitting to 1⁄4 -in. OD FRtubing is also provided. (Two tube/adaptors are suppliedwith the dual RA/DA thermostat.)2. Remove the cover of the thermostat by carefully depress-ing the wire clip on each side of the case. See Fig. 1.Table 1 — Wall Thermostat ApplicationsUNIT MODE THERMOSTAT TYPE PART NO. PACKAGE NO.35BB,BC* Cooling RA HL08TE005 37CM90100237AG,AH,AJ*37CL,CM,CNCooling DA HL08TE006 37CM901012Heating RA HL08TE005 37CM901002Cooling/Heating Dual RA/DA HL08TE004 37CM90099237HSCooling DA HL08TE006 37CM901012Heating RA HL08TE005 37CM901002Cooling/Heating Dual RA/DA HL08TE004 37CM900992*35BB,BC and 37AG,AH,AJ applications must be used with an amplifying regulator or amplifier tee. Consult Carrier dealer for package number.NOTE: These thermostats will only modulate the system-powered air valve in the controlled unit and interconnected slave units. A separate controlwill be needed for any auxiliary equipment.Fig. 1 — Wall Thermostat Dimensions (RA Thermostat Shown)35BB,BC37AG,AH,AJ37HS, 37CL,CM,CNAccessory Wall ThermostatManufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.Book 3Tab 6aPC 201 Catalog No. 533-715 Printed in U.S.A. Form 37HS-5SI Pg 1 7-91 Replaces: 37C-5SI