Power Supply — Electrical characteristics of availablepower supply must agree with unit nameplate rating. Supplyvoltage must be within limits shown in Table 3.IMPORTANT: Operating unit on improper supply volt-age, or with excessive phase imbalance, constitutes abuseand may affect Carrier warranty. See Unbalanced 3-PhaseSupply Voltage, page 7.Power Wiring — All power wiring must comply withapplicable local and national codes. Install field-supplied branchcircuit fused disconnect(s) per NEC (National Electrical Code,U.S.A.) of a type that can be locked OFF or OPEN. Dis-connect(s) must be within sight from and readily accessiblefrom unit in compliance with NEC Article 440-14.GENERAL WIRING NOTES1. A crankcase heater is wired in the control circuit so it isalways operable as long as power supply disconnect ison, even if any safety device is open or unit stop-startswitch is off. It is protected by a 5-amp circuit breaker incontrol power.2. The power circuit field supply disconnect should never beopen except when unit is being serviced or is to be downfor a prolonged period. When operation is resumed, crank-case heater should be energized for 24 hours before start-up. If unit is to be shut down for a prolonged period, itis recommended that the suction and discharge valves beclosed to prevent an excessive accumulation of refriger-ant in the compressor oil.3. Power entry is one end only.4. Maximum field wire sizes allowed by lugs on terminalblock are:UNIT38AKS V-Ph-Hz WIRESIZE*028 208/230-3-60350 kcmil034 208/230-3-60230-3-50044 208/230-3-60230-3-50LEGENDAWG — American Wire Gagekcmil — Thousand Circular Mils*All other units use 2/0 AWG (67.4 mm 2).5. Terminals for field power supply are suitable for copper,copper-clad aluminum, or aluminum conductors. Insula-tion must be rated 167 F (75 C) minimum.CONDENSER FANS — The fans must rotate counterclock-wise when viewed from above. If necessary, correct direc-tion of fan rotation by interchanging any 2 power input wiresat disconnect switch. Affix crankcase heater decal (locatedin installer’s packet) to unit disconnect switch.Table 3 — Electrical Data60 HZUNIT38AKSUNIT COMPRESSOR FAN MOTORSVolts3 Ph, 60 HzSupplied* MCA MOCP(Fuse) ICF RLA LRA FLA (ea) QtyMin. Max.028500200600100208/230380460575187342414518254418508632124.664.760.752.520011010080452.2250.9226.1167.489.845.543.636.54462472231646. HZUNIT38AKSUNIT COMPRESSOR FAN MOTORSVolts3 Ph, 50 HzSupplied* MCA MOCP(Fuse) ICF RLA LRA FLA (ea) QtyMin. Max.028 800300900230346400198311342254380400109.064.960.5175100100348.4263.4226.076.944.943.63422592236.44.43.0222034 800300900230346400198311342254380400120.276.168.5200125110372.4298.4256.085.953.950.03662942536.44.43.0222044800300900230346400198311342254380400150.6112.690.8250175150557.8408.8351.0105.179.565.45454003456.44.43.0333LEGENDCSA — Canadian Standards AssociationFLA — Full Load AmpsICF — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during starting (the pointin the starting sequence where the sum of the LRA for the start-ing compressor, plus the total FLA for all running fan motors ismaximum).LRA — Locked Rotor AmpsMCA — Minimum Circuit Amps (complies with NationalElectrical Code [NEC, U.S.A.], Section 430-24)MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent ProtectionRLA — Rated Load AmpsUL — Underwriters’ Laboratories*Units are suitable for use on electrical systems where voltage sup-plied to unit terminals is not below or above listed minimum and maxi-mum limits.6