ProductData38BYC (60 Hz)Heat PumpSizes 018 thru 060Copyright 2003 Carrier Corporation Form 38BYC-6PDThe 38BYC Outdoor Sectionsof Split-System Heat Pumps aredesigned for quiet, reliable heatingduring the winter and cooling duringthe summer. With a SEER of up to14.0 and HSPF of up to 8.3, theseheat pump systems provide economyof operation through energyconservation. They recover heat forindoor comfort from outdoor airduring the heating season and, byautomatically reversing therefrigerant system, remove indoorheat and excess humidity during thecooling season. All models are listedwith UL (U.S. and Canada), CEC,and ARI.FEATURES/BENEFITSElectrical Range — All units areoffered in single phase 208–230v.Size Range — 38BYC is available in7 nominal sizes from 018 through060 to meet the needs of residentialand light commercial applications.Compressor — This unit features ascroll compressor which issignificantly more efficient thanconventional compressors. Its simpledesign offers improved reliability.Each compressor is mounted onrubber isolators for additional soundreduction. For improvedserviceability, all models areequipped with a compressor terminalplug. Continuous operation isapproved down to –30°F (–34.4°C)in the heating mode and down to55°F (12.8°C) in the cooling mode.(See heating and coolingperformance tables.)