1. Aim the pipe joint at the correspondingbellmouth.2. Pretightening the union nut with hand.3. Adjust the torque force by referring to the following sheet. Place the open-endwrench on the pipe joint and place the torque wrench on the union nut. Tightenthe union nut with torque wrench.2. When select leading out the pipefrom left or right, please cut off thecorresponding hole on the bottomcase.cut offthe holeleft right1. The pipe can be led out in thedirection of right, rear right, left orrear left.left rear leftright rear rightStep four: outlet pipeInstallation of indoor unitunion nutpipe joint pipeNote:Ɣ3D\DWWHQWLRQWRGXVWSUHYHQWLRQDQGWDNHUHOHYDQWVDIHW\PHDVXUHVZKHQopening the hole.Ɣ The plastic expansion particles areQRWSURYLGHGDQGVKRXOGEHERXJKWlocally.Indoor5-10outdoor2 1/6 in (55mm)/2 3/4 in (70mm)19