6• Confirm that the ceiling is able to support the weight ofthe unit. See Table 1 for nominal weight.• There should be enough room within the false ceiling forinstallation and maintenance (see Fig. 4).• The false ceiling should be horizontal and leveled.• Install the unit in a location within the room that allowsuniform air flow in all directions.Select the unit position with the following points in mind:• The unit should be installed in a position that is suitableto support the total weight of the unit, refrigerant pipingand condensate.• Proper access should be provided for maintenance forrefrigerant piping, EXV (electronic expansion valve),electrical box, and condensate pump. A 2-ft clearance isrecommended all around the unit.• The unit should not be positioned directly above anyobstruction.• The unit must be installed square and level.• The condensate drain should have sufficient downwardslope (1 in. per 100 in.) in any horizontal run betweenunit and drain. Maximum condensate lift is 29 1 / 2 inches.Step 3 — Mount the UnitINSTALLING HANGER BOLTS — Install the hanger boltsat the locations shown in Fig. 2, top view. Use 3/8-in. all-thread-ed rod. For unit weight, see Table 1.MOUNTING UNIT — The unit can now be lifted on to thehanging rods for mounting.1. Use rods and fasteners to suspend the unit at the factory-provided mounting holes.2. Adjust the height of the unit until the bottom is level withthe false ceiling, with adequate space to provide enoughpitch for the drain.3. Secure the unit in position with locknuts and washers onboth sides of the mounting bracket. Ensure that thethreaded rod does not protrude more than 2 in. below themounting brackets as shown in Fig. 5.INSTALLING DUCT — Connect the return and supplyducts to the duct collars provided on the unit. Adequate dis-tance between the return and supply diffusers should be main-tained to avoid short circulation of air within the space. The fil-ter is located on the return side of the unit, on the rear or bottomdepending on the return air inlet arrangement.RETURN AIR ARRANGEMENT — Based on the return airarrangement requirement in the field, the unit can be modifiedfrom rear return to bottom return. As shown in Fig. 6, removereturn air duct collar/filter rack and plenum bottom panel.Swap the position to change the rear return to bottom return ar-rangement.Step 4 — Connect PipingCONDENSATE PIPING — The unit is supplied with a1 1/4-in. OD drain connection to connect copper or PVC drainpiping. When installing condensate piping, follow these recom-mendations:• Maximum pump lift is 29 1/2 inches.• The highest point in the condensate piping should be asclose to the unit as possible. See Fig. 7.IMPORTANT: Be sure that the ceiling grid is supportedseparately from the unit. The ceiling grid must not besupported by an part of the unit or any associated wir-ing or piping work.MINIMUM DRAINTILT 1/100 a40-1849Fig. 4 — False Ceiling Installationa40-1722Fig. 5 — Threaded RodPLENUM BOTTOM PANEL SIDE RAILRETURN AIR DUCT COLLARFILTER RACKA40-1852Fig. 6 — Return Air ArrangementDRAIN TILT 1/10032 TO 40 in.< 8 in.24 in. MAX.a40-1850Fig. 7 — Condensate Piping