7• Condensate piping should slope downward in the direc-tion of condensate flow, with a minimum gradient of1 in. per 100 inches.• When multiple units are connected to a common conden-sate drain, ensure that the drain is large enough to accom-modate the volume of condensate from all units. It is alsorecommended to have an air vent in the condensate pip-ing to prevent air lock.• Condensate piping must not be installed where it may beexposed to freezing temperatures.REFRIGERANT PIPINGWhen connecting from an indoor unit to an outdoor unit,follow these procedures:• Check maximum height drop and length of refrigerantpiping between the indoor and outdoor units. If the dif-ference between them is more than is 33 ft, considermounting the outdoor unit above the indoor unit.• The number of bends in the refrigeration piping must befewer than 15.• Refrigerant piping connection between indoor and out-door units should be performed once the units aresecured at their respective installation locations.• The refrigeration piping starts at the indoor unit and endsat the outdoor unit.• The refrigerant piping should be dry and free of dust andother impurities.• The bending angle of the refrigerant pipe should notexceed 90 degrees and the bending radius should be aslarge as possible to prevent any breakage in piping.• Use proper cutting and flaring tools to avoid leakage.• Before insulating the suction and liquid refrigerationpipes, perform pressure and leak tests. For details, seethe outdoor unit installation manual. Insulating both suc-tion and liquid refrigerant pipes is mandatory.• Vacuuming and charging of the system should be carriedout as described in the outdoor unit installation manual.Step 5 — Complete Electrical Connections —Installation of wiring must conform with local building codesand with National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70, current edi-tions. Units must be electrically grounded in conformance withthe code. In Canada, wiring must comply with CSA C22.1,Electrical Code.This equipment in its standard form is designed for an elec-trical supply of 208/230-1-60. Any damage to or failure ofunits caused by incorrect wiring or voltage is not covered bywarranty.Electric wiring must be sized to carry the full load ampdraw of the motor, starter, and any other controls that are usedwith the unit. See Table 2 for electrical data.Table 2 — 40WAD Electrical DataLEGENDAfter the pipe work is complete, the electrical supply can beconnected by routing the cable through the appropriate casingholes or knockouts and connecting the supply and ground ca-bles to the unit’s power terminal.Be sure the power wiring and control wiring do not cross, asthis might cause disturbance on the controls side. See Fig. 8 forwiring diagram.NOTE: The indoor unit requires its own power supply. Indoorunits are not powered through outdoor units.CAUTIONWhen connecting from an indoor unit to an outdoor unit,the isolation valve at the outdoor unit should be in theclosed position throughout the refrigerant piping process.Failure to follow this procedure may result in equipmentdamage.WARNINGElectrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Dis-connect power supply before making wiring connections.There may be more than one disconnect switch. Tag all dis-connect locations to alert others not to restore power untilwork is completed.WARNINGAll units must be wired strictly in accordance with the wir-ing diagram furnished with the unit. Any wiring differentfrom the wiring diagram could result in personal injury andproperty damage.CAUTIONAny original factory wiring that requires replacement mustbe replaced with wiring material having a temperature rat-ing of at least 105 C.Ensure supply voltage to the unit, as indicated on the serialplate, is not more than 10% over the rated voltage or 10%under the rated voltage.Failure to follow these recommendations may result inequipment damage.40WAD UNIT SIZE POWER SUPPLYMCA MOPD007 0.5 15009 0.5 15012 0.6 15015 0.7 15018 0.9 15024 1.1 15MCA — Minimum Circuit AmpsMOPD — Maximum OvercurrentProtective Device