Step 6 -- Position and Connect ControllerControllers are ordered separately.Wired controllers should be installed in a position thatmaintains good temperature control:• Position the thermostat approximately 48 in. above floorlevel.• Do not position thermostat where it can be directlyaffected by the unit's discharge airstream.• Avoid external walls and drafts from window and doors.• Avoid positioning near shelves and curtains as theserestrict air movement.• Avoid heat sources such as direct sunlight, heaters, dim-mer switches, and other electrical devices.WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLLER -- Before installa-tion, operate the remote controller to determine the appropriatelocation for reception range. Avoid direct sunlight exposure orheating sources. Use proper mounting screws and controllerbracket to mount the controller on the wall (see Fig. 11). Forsetup instructions, refer to the controller installation [Z] csREMOTECONTROLLERMOUNTINGSCREWS__ __REMOTE CONTROLLERHOLDERFig. 11 -- Wireless Remote ControllerWIRED REMOTE CONTROLLER (PROGRAMMA-BLE) -- To connect a wired remote controller (thermostat) tothe indoor unit, use 4-core shielded cable and 4-pin connectorfrom electrical box of indoor unit (see Fig. 12). For setup in-structions, refer to the controller installation manual.INDOOR UNITELECTRICAL BOX-_7 I LL_ CABLEFig. 12 -- Wired Remote Controller(Programmable) WiringWIRED REMOTE CONTROLLER (NON-PROGRAM-MABLE) -- To connect wired remote controller (thermostat)to the indoor unit, use 5-core shielded cable and 5-pin connec-tor from unit display panel (see Fig. 13). For setup instructions,refer to the controller installation manual.INDOOR UNITELECTRIC CONTROL BOXNINDOOR UNITDISPLAY PANEL5-CORE CABLE'_" 5-CORE SHIELDED CABLE5-CORE CABLEWIRED CONTROLLERFig. 13 -- Wired Remote Controller(Non-Programmable) WiringCENTRAL CONTROLLER-- The central controller isconnected to the indoor unit through outdoor unit with 3-coreshielded cable (see Fig. 14). For setup instructions, refer to thecontroller installation manual.o oY°TO INDOOR UNIT i i I L_ 24 VACX2KE _ _ FORCED L EMERGENCYDAISY cHAi2oT USED_ sOwNITCH sS;IOT%HFig. 14 -- Central Controller Wiring