∗ Restriction ratio setting for save operation (DN code No. [C2]) can be set/changed from the normal DN setup(Detail DN setup).DN42C2CCCdd0d1d3d4F6ItemSelf-clean operation timeCurrent demand X% to outdoor unitSetting of self-clean operation forced stopSelf-clean operation stop function when[ON/OFF] operation is prohibited.Existence of remote controller save functionExistence of 8°C heating operation functionRotational speed of self clean operationDisplay / No display of[Dry operation] during self clean operationPresence of Application control kitContents0001: 0.5 h ~ 0012: 6.0 h0000: NoneSet when compressor-ON time is 10 to 60 minutes.When ON-time is 60 minutes or more,the double of this operation time setting is set.0050: 50% to 0100: 100%0000: None• Clean operation is performed in case of stop by HA input.• HA operation output OFF during clean operation in case ofstop by remote controller0001: Stop• Clean operation is not performed in case of stop by HA input.• HA operation output ON during clean operation in case of stopby remote controllerThe air conditioner stops (including fire alarm such as remotemonitor system) while setup of [ON/OFF] operation prohibited(Central 1, 2) is performed from the central controller side.0000: Valid (Clean operation)0001: Invalid (No clean operation)0000: Invalid (Impossible) 0001: Valid (Possible)0000: Invalid (Impossible) 0001: Valid (Possible)0000: Invalid (Self clean operation is not carried out.)0015: Valid (Self clean operation is practiced with 350 rpm.)0000: Display 0001: No display0000: None0001: ExistAt shipment from factory0002: 1.0 h0075: 75%0000: None0000: Valid0001: Valid (Possible)0000: Invalid (Impossible)0000: Invalid0000: Display0000: NoneFILE NO. SVM-19024- 72 -