61Table 13 — Motor Electronic Thermal Protection (tHr) for Toshiba TOSVERT 130-E3 VFD*IFM Letter refers to the 15th digit (Motor Option) of the unit model numberTOSHIBA TOSVERT VF-S9 VFD — The VFD must bepowered up, however, since it is located near the indoor fan,operation of the fan is not desirable. To disable the fan and setthe duct static pressure, perform the following procedure:1. Open the Indoor Fan Circuit Breaker (IFCB). This willshut off power to the VFD.2. Wait for the VFD display to go blank and the chargelamplight to go out. Remove the VFD cover withouttouching any interior components. It may take severalminutes for the VFD to fully discharge.3. Remove jumper between R and CC on the terminal blockand replace the VFD cover. This will disable the runningof the VFD. Refer to Fig. 58.4. Close the IFCB and energize the Indoor Fan Contactor(IFC). The VFD is now powered but the fan will notoperate.5. On the front of the VFD is a keypad, which is used tochange the VFD set point. At this point the drive shouldbe disabled and the display read “OFF”. If the currentoutput frequency is displayed then verify that the R andCC jumpers have been removed.6. Press either the “DOWN ARROW” or “UP ARROW”key once, this will display the current frequency set point.7. Press either the “DOWN ARROW” or “UP ARROW”key to change set point to the appropriate duct static setpoint desired. This number may be adjusted based on theamount of static pressure (in. wg) required. Refer to theTable 8 to identify the VFD Set Point.8. Press “ENT” key, to enter the new value. The desired setpoint value will alternately flash to indicate that the newvalue has been stored.9. Fire-speed override mode is available by contact closurebetween terminals S1 and CC.10. If the VFD is to be controlled by an external control sys-tem, other than the factory-supplied duct static pressuretransducer, follow these steps:a. Install a jumper between S2 and CC. This jumperwill disable the PID (Proportional Integral Deriva-tive) control loop in the VFD. The VFD is set tofollow an external speed reference signal from thecontrol system.b. Connect the field-supplied speed reference(4-20 mA) signal across terminals II and P24. SeeFig. 58.11. Once all the changes have been made, open the IFCB.12. Wait for the VFD display to go blank and the chargelamplight to go out. Remove the VFD cover withouttouching any interior components. It may take severalminutes for the VFD to fully discharge.13. Replace jumper across terminals R and CC.14. Replace VFD cover.15. Close the IFCB. The VFD is now powered and the fanwill operate.MOTOR STANDARD EFFICIENCY HIGH EFFICIENCYHp kW IFMLetter*230 VSetting380VSetting460VSetting575VSettingIFMLetter*230VSetting460VSetting5 3.73 A 66 100 72 89 L 72 727.5 5.60 B 100 100 80 76 M 100 8010 7.46 C 96 94 97 91 N 96 10015 11.19 D 78 94 100 100 P 78 10020 14.92 E 87 94 100 95 Q 82 10025 18.65 F 86 84 94 100 R 86 9130 22.38 G 99 — 92 100 S 86 8040 29.84 H 89 — 85 85 T 89 85A high voltage potential can exist with the indoor fan cir-cuit breaker open. The charge lamp LED, located on theupper left corner of the Toshiba TOSVERT VF-S9 VFDfront cover, will indicate charged capacitors. DO NOTTOUCH internal high voltage parts if LED is lit.IMPORTANT: The Carrier factory default values for theVFD may be different than the default values of the manu-facturer. Refer to the Carrier literature when checkingdefault values. The following default values have beenchanged from the manufacturer settings to closely matchthe VFD operation with a Carrier VAV unit. Refer toTables 14 and 15.