52ECONOMIZER SYSTEMSThe unit may be equipped with a factory--installed oraccessory (field--installed) economizer system. Two typesare available: with a logic control system (EconoMi$erIV) and without a control system (EconoMi$er2). See Fig.62 and Fig. 63 for component locations on each type. SeeFig. 64 and Fig. 65 for economizer section wiringdiagrams.Both economizers use direct--drive damper actuators.IMPORTANT: Any economizer that meets theeconomizer requirements as laid out in California’s Title24 mandatory section 120.2 (fault detection anddiagnostics) and/or prescriptive section 140.4 (life--cycletests, damper leakage, 5 year warranty, sensor accuracy,etc), will have a label on the economizer. Any economizerwithout this label does not meet California’s Title 24. Thefire year limited parts warranty referred to in section140.4 only applies to factory installed economizers. Pleaserefer to your economizer on your unit.ECONOMI$ER IVCONTROLLEROUTSIDE AIRTEMPERATURE SENSORLOW AMBIENTSENSORACTUATORWIRINGHARNESSC06021Fig. 62 -- EconoMi$er IV Component LocationsECONOMI$ER2PLUGBAROMETRICRELIEFDAMPEROUTDOORAIR HOODHOODSHIPPINGBRACKETGEAR DRIVENDAMPERC06022Fig. 63 -- EconoMi$er2 Component LocationsFOR OCCUPANCY CONTROLREPLACE JUMPER WITHFIELD-SUPPLIED TIME CLOCKLEGENDDCV— Demand Controlled VentilationIAQ — Indoor Air QualityLA — Low Ambient Lockout DeviceOAT — Outdoor-Air TemperaturePOT — PotentiometerRAT — Return-Air TemperaturePotentiometer Defaults Settings:Power Exhaust MiddleMinimum Pos. Fully ClosedDCV Max. MiddleDCV Set MiddleEnthalpy C SettingNOTES:1. 620 ohm, 1 watt 5% resistor should be removed only when using differentialenthalpy or dry bulb.2. If a separate field-supplied 24 v transformer is used for the IAQ sensor powersupply, it cannot have the secondary of the transformer grounded.3. For field-installed remote minimum position POT, remove black wire jumperbetween P and P1 and set control minimum position POT to the minimumposition.87C06028Fig. 64 -- EconoMi$er IV Wiring48HC