61PRE--START--UP/START--UPPERSONAL INJURY HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death.! WARNING1. Follow recognized safety practices and wearapproved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),including safety glasses and gloves whenchecking or servicing refrigerant system.2. Do not use a torch to remove any component.System contains oil and refrigerant underpressure. To remove a component, wear PPE andproceed as follows:a. Shut off all electrical power to unit. Applyapplicable Lock--out/Tagout procedures.b. Recover refrigerant to relieve all pressurefrom system using both high--pressure andlow pressure ports.c. Do not use a torch. Cut component connec-tion tubing with tubing cutter and removecomponent from unit.d. Carefully un--sweat remaining tubing stubswhen necessary. Oil can ignite when exposedto torch flame.3. Do not operate compressor or provide any electricpower to unit unless compressor terminal cover isin place and secured.4. Do not remove compressor terminal cover untilall electrical power is disconnected and approvedLock--out/Tagout procedures are in place.5. Relieve all pressure from system before touchingor disturbing anything inside terminal boxwhenever refrigerant leak is suspected aroundcompressor terminals.6. Never attempt to repair a soldered connectionwhile refrigerant system is under pressure.ELECTRICAL OPERATION HAZARDFailure to follow this warning result in personal injuryor death.The unit must be electrically grounded in accordancewith local codes and NEC ANSI/NFPA 70 (AmericanNational Standards Institute/National fire ProtectionAssociation.! WARNINGProceed as follows to inspect and prepare the unit forinitial start--up:1. Remove all access panels.2. Read and follow instructions on all WARNING,CAUTION, and INFORMATION labels attached to,or shipped with, unit.3. Make the following inspections:a. Inspect for shipping and handling damages suchas broken lines, loose parts, or disconnectedwires, etc.b. Inspect for oil at all refrigerant tubing connec-tions and on unit base. Detecting oil generallyindicates a refrigerant leak. Leak--test all refri-gerant tubing connections using electronic leakdetector, halide torch, or liquid--soap solution.c. Inspect all field--wiring and factory--wiring con-nections. Be sure that connections are completedand tight. Be sure that wires are not in contactwith refrigerant tubing or sharp edges.d. Inspect coil fins. If damaged during shipping andhandling, carefully straighten fins with a fincomb.4. Verify the following conditions:a. Make sure that condenser--fan blade are correctlypositioned in fan orifice. See Condenser--FanAdjustment section for more details.b. Make sure that air filter(s) is in place.c. Make sure that condensate drain trap is filledwith water to ensure proper drainage.d. Make sure that all tools and miscellaneous looseparts have been removed.START--UP, GENERALUnit PreparationMake sure that unit has been installed in accordance withinstallation instructions and applicable codes.IMPORTANT: Follow the base unit’s start-up sequenceas described in the unit’s installation instructions:In addition to the base unit start-up, there are a few stepsneeded to properly start-up the controls. RTU-OPEN’sService Test function should be used to assist in the baseunit start-up and also allows verification of outputoperation. Controller configuration is also part of start-up.This is especially important when field accessories havebeen added to the unit. The factory pre-configures optionsinstalled at the factory. There may also be additionalinstallation steps or inspection required during the start-upprocess.Additional Installation/InspectionInspect the field installed accessories for properinstallation, making note of which ones do or do notrequire configuration changes. Inspect the RTU-OPEN’sAlarms for initial insight to any potential issues. Refer tothe following manual: “Controls, Start--up, Operation andTroubleshooting Instructions.” Inspect the SAT sensor forrelocation as intended during installation. Inspect specialwiring as directed below.Gas PipingCheck gas piping for leaks.48HC