20SD--TRK4 Remote Alarm Test Procedure1. Turn the key switch to the RESET/TEST position forseven seconds.2. Verify that the test/reset station’s Alarm LED turnson.3. Reset the sensor by turning the key switch to theRESET/TEST position for two seconds.4. Verify that the test/reset station’s Alarm LED turnsoff.Remote Test/Reset Station Dirty Sensor TestThe test/reset station dirty sensor test checks the test/resetstation’s ability to initiate a sensor dirty test and indicatethe results. It must be wired to the controller as shown inFig. 24 and configured to operate the controller’ssupervision relay. For more information, see “Changingsensor dirty test operation.”112141319152203Reset/TestTroublePowerAlarmSupervision relaycontacts [3]54132SD-TRK421TB318 Vdc ( )+18 Vdc ( )−Auxiliaryequipment+−Wire must beadded by installerSmoke Detector ControllerC08247Fig. 24 -- Remote Test/Reset Station ConnectionsOPERATIONAL TEST HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in personneland authority concern.If the test/reset station’s key switch is left in theRESET/TEST position for longer than seven seconds,the detector will automatically go into the alarm stateand activate all automatic alarm responses.CAUTION!OPERATIONAL TEST HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in personneland authority concern.Holding the test magnet to the target area for longerthan seven seconds will put the detector into the alarmstate and activate all automatic alarm responses.CAUTION!Dirty Sensor Test Using an SD--TRK41. Turn the key switch to the RESET/TEST position fortwo seconds.2. Verify that the test/reset station’s Trouble LEDflashes.Detector CleaningCleaning the Smoke DetectorClean the duct smoke sensor when the Dirty LED isflashing continuously or sooner if conditions warrant.OPERATIONAL TEST HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in personneland authority concern.If the smoke detector is connected to a fire alarmsystem, first notify the proper authorities that thedetector is undergoing maintenance then disable therelevant circuit to avoid generating a false alarm.CAUTION!1. Disconnect power from the duct detector then removethe sensor’s cover. (See Fig. 25.)AirflowHVAC ductSamplingtubeRetainerclipOpticplateOptichousingSensorhousingC07305Fig. 25 -- Sensor Cleaning Diagram2. Using a vacuum cleaner, clean compressed air, or asoft bristle brush, remove loose dirt and debris frominside the sensor housing and cover.Use isopropyl alcohol and a lint--free cloth to removedirt and other contaminants from the gasket on thesensor’s cover.3. Squeeze the retainer clips on both sides of the optichousing then lift the housing away from the printedcircuit board.4. Gently remove dirt and debris from around the opticplate and inside the optic housing.5. Replace the optic housing and sensor cover.6. Connect power to the duct detector then perform asensor alarm test.INDICATORSNormal StateThe smoke detector operates in the normal state in theabsence of any trouble conditions and when its sensingchamber is free of smoke. In the normal state, the Power48TC