CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TODOWNFLOW (VERTICAL) DISCHARGE — The 50HSunits are shipped in a horizontal configuration. To convert ahorizontal unit for downflow (vertical) discharge, performthe following steps:Before performing service or maintenance operations onsystem, turn off main power to unit. Turn off accessoryheater power switch if applicable. Electrical shock cancause personal injury.1. Open all electrical disconnects before starting any serv-ice work.2. Remove indoor coil access panel (Fig. 12). Save screws.3. Locate lances in basepan insulation that are placed overthe perimeter of the vertical duct opening cover(Fig. 13).4. Using a straight edge and sharp knife, cut and removethe insulation around the perimeter of the cover. Re-move the screws securing the cover to the basepan andslide out the cover. Discard the cover (Fig. 14).5. Remove indoor blower access panel (Fig. 15). Save screws.6. Disconnect indoor-fan motor leads from indoor-fanrelay and unit contactor (Fig. 16). Carefully disengagewire tie containing indoor-fan motor leads from the unitcontrol box.7. Remove screws (Fig. 17) securing indoor blower hous-ing to blower shelf and carefully slide out blower hous-ing. On sizes 018-042 there is a filler bracket attachedto the blower shelf; remove this filler bracket and retainfor later use.8. Locate lances in basepan insulation that are placed overthe perimeter of the vertical discharge opening cover(Fig. 18).9. Using a straight edge and sharp knife, cut the insulationaround the perimeter of the cover. Remove the screwssecuring the cover to the basepan and slide out the cover(Fig. 19). Discard the cover. Install filler bracket re-moved in Step 7, if any.10. If unit ductwork is to be attached to vertical openingflanges on the unit basepan (jackstand applications only),do so at this time.11. It is recommended that the basepan insulation aroundthe perimeter of the vertical opening be secured to thebasepan with aluminum tape to prevent the insulationfrom tearing or bunching up when the blower housing isinstalled in the vertical discharge position.12. Orient blower housing for vertical airflow (blower mo-tor adjacent to horizontal duct opening) and slide intovertical opening making sure the flanges on the blowerside plates engage the tabs in the unit basepan.Resistance will be felt as the blower housing contactsthe basepan insulation; this can be overcome by apply-ing a slight force to the base of the blower. Continuesliding blower in until hole in side plate flange alignswith the hole in the basepan.Secure using screws removed in Step 7. Reconnect indoor-fan motor leads and insert wire tie back into unit controlbox (Fig. 16).13. Cover the horizontal duct openings. Duct covers can beordered as an accessory or be field-fabricated as shownin Fig. 20.14. Reinstall the indoor coil and indoor blower accesspanels.15. After completing unit installation, perform all safety checksand power up unit.ACCESS PANELSCREWSFig. 12 — Indoor Coil Access PanelFig. 13 — Basepan Insulation OverVertical Duct OpeningFig. 14 — Insulation and Cover Removedfrom Vertical Duct Opening11