34SETPOINTSMAT SET 53F 38 to 65 F; incrementby 1SUPPLY AIR SETPOINTSetpoint determines where the economizer will modulate the OA damperto maintain the mixed air temperature.LOW T LOCK 32F -45 to 80 F;increment by 1COMPRESSOR LOW TEMPERATURE LOCKOUTSetpoint determines outdoor temperature when the mechanical coolingcannot be turned on. Commonly referred to as the Compressor lockout.DRYBLB SET 63F 48 to 80 F; incrementby 1OA DRY BULB TEMPERATURE CHANGEOVER SETPOINTSetpoint determines where the economizer will assume outdoor air tem-perature is good for free cooling; e.g.; at 63 F unit will economize at 62 Fand below and not economize at 64 F and above. There is a 2 F dead-band.ENTH CURVE ES3 ES1,ES2,ES3,ES4, orES5ENTHALPY CHANGEOVER CURVEEnthalpy boundary “curves” for economizing using single enthalpy.DCV SET 1100ppm 500 to 2000 ppm;increment by 100DEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATIONDisplays only if CO 2 sensor is connected. Setpoint for Demand ControlledVentilation of space. Above the setpoint, the OA dampers will modulateopen to bring in additional OA to maintain a space ppm level below the set-point.MIN POS 2.8 V 2 to 10 Vdc VENTILATION MINIMUM POSITIONDisplays ONLY if a CO 2 sensor is NOT connected.VENTMAXWith 2-speed fan units VENT-MAX L (low speed fan) andVENTMAX H (high speed fan)settings are required2.8 V2 to 10 VdcDCV MAXIMUM DAMPER POSITIONDisplays only if a CO 2 sensor is connected. Used for Vbz (ventilation maxcfm) setpoint. Displays 2 to 10 V if <3 sensors (RA,OA, and MA). In AUTOmode dampers controlled by CFM.100 to 9990 cfm;incrementby 10If OA, MA, RA, and CO 2 sensors are connected and DCV CAL ENABLE isset to AUTO mode, the OA dampers are controlled by CFM and displaysfrom 100 to 9990 CFM.2 to 10 VdcWith 2-speed fan units VENT L (low speed fan) and MIN POS H (highspeed fan) settings are required. Default for VENTMAX L is 3.2V andVENTMAX H is 2.8VVENTMINWith 2-speedfan units VENTMIN L (lowspeed fan) and VENTMINH (high speed fan) set2.25 V2 to 10 Vdc or 100 to9990 cfm incrementby 10DCV MINIMUM DAMPER POSITIONDisplays only if a CO 2 sensor is connected. Used for Ba (ventilation mincfm) setpoint. Displays 2 to 10 V if <3 sensors (RA, OA, and MA). Va isonly set if DCV is used. This is the ventilation for less than maximum occu-pancy of the space. In AUTO mode dampers controlled by CFM.100 to 9990 cfm;incrementby 10If OA, MA, RA, and CO 2 sensors are connected and DCV CAL ENABLE isset to AUTO mode, the OA dampers are controlled by CFM and displaysfrom 100 to 9990 CFM.2 to 10 Vdc With 2-speed fan units VENTMIN L (low speed fan) and MIN POS H (highspeed fan) settings are required. Default for VENTMIN L is 3.2V andVENTMIN H is 2.8VERV OAT SP †† 32°F 0 to 50 F; incrementby 1ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR UNIT OUTDOOR AIR TEMPERA-TURE SETPOINTOnly when AUX1 O = ERVEXH1 SETWith 2-speed fan units Exh1 L(low speed fan) and Exh1 H(high speed fan) settings arerequired50% 0 to 100%;incrementby 1EXHAUST FAN STAGE 1 SETPOINTSetpoint for OA damper position when exhaust fan 1 is powered by theeconomizer.With 2-speed fan units Exh1 L (low speed fan) and Exh1 H (high speedfan) settings are required. Default for Exh1 L is 65% and Exh1 H is 50%EXH2 SETWith 2-speed fan units Exh2 L(low speed fan) and Exh2 H(high speed fan) settings arerequired75% 0 to 100%; incrementby 1EXHAUST FAN STAGE 2 SETPOINTSetpoint for OA damper position when exhaust fan 2 is powered by theeconomizer. Only used when AUX1 O is set to EHX2.With 2-speed fan units Exh2 L (low speed fan) and Exh2 H (high speedfan) settings are required. Default for Exh2 L is 80% and Exh2 H is 75%Table 8 — Menu Structure* (cont)MENU PARAMETERPARAMETERDEFAULTVALUEPARAMETERRANGE ANDINCREMENT† NOTES