12Step 8 — Install Outdoor-Air Hood — The sametype of factory-installed hood is used on units with 25% airventilation and units with an EconoMi$er.NOTE: The hood top panel, upper and lower filter retainers,hood drain pan, baffle (028), and filter support bracket aresecured opposite the condenser end of the unit. The screens,hood side panels, remaining section of filter support bracket,seal strip, and all other hardware are in a package locatedinside the return-air filter access panel (Fig. 18).1. Attach seal strip to upper filter retainer. See Fig. 19.2. Assemble hood top panel and side panels, upper filterretainer, and hood drain pan (Fig. 20).3. Secure lower filter retainer and long section of filter sup-port bracket to unit. See Fig. 20. Leave screws loose on028 units.4. Slide baffle (size 028 unit) behind lower filter retainer andtighten screws.5. Loosen sheet metal screws for base unit top panel locatedabove outdoor-air inlet opening, and remove screws forhood side panels located on the sides of the outdoor-airinlet opening.6. Match notches in hood top panel to unit top panel screws.Insert hood flange between unit top panel flange and unit.Tighten screws.7. Hold hood side panel flanges flat against unit, and installscrews removed in Step 5.8. Insert outdoor-air inlet screens and spacer in channel cre-ated by lower filter retainer and filter support bracket.9. Attach remaining short section of filter support bracket.OUTDOOR AIR ENTHALPY SENSOR INSTALLA-TION — Perform the following procedure to install theoutdoor-air enthalpy sensor (part no. CROUTENT001A00).1. Remove the outdoor air temperature sensor cover. SeeFig. 21. Save cover and screws.2. Disconnect the wiring from the installed outdoor air tem-perature sensor. See Fig. 22.3. Use a 1/4-in. nut driver to remove the 2 screws securingthe outdoor air temperature sensor to the sheet metal.4. Mount the outdoor air enthalpy sensor in the outdoor airtemperature sensor location using the screws removed inStep 3.5. Connect the outdoor air enthalpy sensor wiring harness tothe EconoMi$er control module and sensor.6. Re-install sensor cover saved from Step 1.RETURN AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR OR RETURNAIR ENTHALPY SENSOR INSTALLATION — Perform thefollowing procedure to install the return air temperature sensor(part no. CRRETTMP001A00) or return air enthalpy sensor(part no. CRRETENT001A00).1. Attach the sensor to the mounting bracket using 2 self-tapping 1/2 -in. screws provided.2. Mount the bracket to the inside of the return air openingflange using a 1/4-in. nut driver and 2 no. 6 sheet metalscrews.NOTE: The sensor must be mounted in an upright position.3. Feed the sensor wiring through the bushing inEconoMi$er to secure wires.4. Route sensor wiring harness from sensor to EconoMi$ercontrol module. Secure wiring harness to the original har-ness using tie wraps.5. Wire the sensor to the EconoMi$er control module. SeeFig. 23 and 24.Fig. 16 — EconoMi$er Control ModuleAdjustment PotentiometersCONTROL MODULE ACTUATORFig. 17 — EconoMi$er Control Module LocationFig. 18 — Outdoor-Air Hood Component LocationFig. 19 — Seal Strip Location(Air Hood Cross-Sectional View)