29Pressing the CONFIG button for more than three seconds,but less than ten seconds and then releasing will start the auto-matic test procedure. The damper will modulate fully open,wait, and modulate closed. This process takes three minutes tocomplete. Use this feature to determine if the actuator can becommanded.If the CONFIG button is pressed and held for ten secondsand less than 30 seconds then released, the EconoMi$er con-troller reconfigures its mode of operation based on the sensorsthat are connected and functioning normally, and cancels theautomatic test procedure.If the EconoMi$er controller recognized a non-criticalsensor fault, and flashed a code (i.e., FLASH 6, outdoor airhumidity sensor fault) the FLASH CODE will be cleared, andnormal operation begins. Ensure faulty sensor is removedbefore clearing faults.If the EconoMi$er controller recognizes a critical sensorfault, and flashes a code (i.e., FLASH 4, discharge air thermo-stat fault) the FLASH code will not be cleared, and theEconoMi$er will remain in the safe operation mode. Thesensor fault must be corrected to enable EconoMi$er to revertto normal operation.If the CONFIG button is pressed and held for more than30 seconds and released, the EconoMi$er controller will enablethe enthalpy comparison strategy (with outdoor air enthalpyand return air enthalpy sensors installed).Power Failure — Dampers have a spring return. In eventof power failure, dampers will return to fully closed positionuntil power is restored. Do not manually operate dampermotor.Refrigerant Charge — Amount of refrigerant charge islisted on unit nameplate and in Table 1. Refer to CarrierGTAC II; Module 5; Charging, Recovery, Recycling, and Rec-lamation section for charging methods and procedures. Unitpanels must be in place when unit is operating during chargingprocedure.NOTE: Do not use recycled refrigerant as it may contain con-taminants.NO CHARGE — Use standard evacuating techniques. Afterevacuating system, weigh in the specified amount of refriger-ant (refer to Tables 1A and 1B).LOW CHARGE COOLING — Using cooling charging chart(see Fig. 42 and 43), add or remove refrigerant until conditionsof the chart are met. Note that charging chart is differentfrom those normally used. An accurate pressure gage andtemperature-sensing device is required. Charging is accom-plished by ensuring the proper amount of liquid subcooling.Measure liquid line pressure at the liquid line service valve us-ing pressure gage. Connect temperature sensing device to theliquid line near the liquid line service valve and insulate it sothat outdoor ambient temperature does not affect reading.TO USE THE COOLING CHARGING CHART — Use theabove temperature and pressure readings, and find the intersec-tion point on the cooling charging chart. If intersection point onchart is above line, add refrigerant. If intersection point onchart is below line, carefully recover some of the charge. Re-check suction pressure as charge is adjusted.NOTE: Indoor-air CFM must be within normal operatingrange of unit. All outdoor fans must be operating.The TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) is set to maintainbetween 15 and 20 degrees of superheat at the compressors.The valves are factory set and should not require re-adjustment.MOISTUREMISER SYSTEM CHARGING — The systemcharge for units with the MoistureMiser option is greater thanthat of the standard unit alone. The charge for units with thisoption is indicated on the unit nameplate drawing. To chargesystems using the MoistureMiser Dehumidification package,fully evacuate, recover, and re-charge the system to the name-plate specified charge level. To check or adjust refrigerantcharge on systems using the MoistureMiser Dehumidificationpackage, charge per the standard subcooling charts. The sub-cooler MUST be deenergized to use the charging charts. Thecharts reference a liquid pressure (psig) and temperature at apoint between the condenser coil and the subcooler coil. A tapis provided on the unit to measure liquid pressure entering thesubcooler (leaving the condenser).Table 20 — EconoMi$er Control Module Flash Code IdentificationFLASH CODE CAUSE ACTION TAKEN BY ECONOMI$ERConstant On Normal operation Normal operation.Constant Off No power No operation.ContinuousFlashCONFIG button pushed and heldbetween 3 and 9 secondsOutdoor air damper is stroked fully open, then closed(automatic test procedure takes 3 minutes to complete).Critical Fault Flash One Control board fault System shutdown.Flash Two Thermostat fault (i.e., Y2 without Y1) System shutdown until corrected.Flash Three Actuator fault Revert to mechanical cooling only.Flash Four Discharge air thermistor fault Continue operation with damper at minimum position.Revert to mechanical cooling only.Flash Five Outdoor air temperature sensor fault Continue operation with damper at minimum position.Disable mechanical cooling lockout.Non-Critical Fault Flash Six Outdoor air humidity sensor fault Continue operation with dry bulb or dry bulb differential switchover.Flash Seven Return air temperature sensor faultContinue operation with single enthalpy EconoMi$erswitchover or dry bulb EconoMi$er switchover (withouthumidity sensor).Flash Eight Return air humidity sensor fault Continue operation with single enthalpy, differential drybulb, or dry bulb EconoMi$er switchover.Flash Nine Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) sensor fault Continue operation without ventilation control.Flash Ten Onboard adjustment potentiometer fault Continue operation with default potentiometer settings.