Table 3--Electrical Data--50ZHUNiT 50ZRSIZE(-SERIES, IFUSED)O3O036042048060VOLTAGERANGE OFM IFMV-PH-HZ208/230-3-8208/230-3-80480-3-60208/230-3-80460-3-80208/230-3-80460-3-80208/230-3-80480-3-80MIN187187414187414187414187414(See legend following Electrical Data charts)COMPRESSORFLALRA FLAELECTRIC HEATNominal KW* FLA-/-10.4/12.020.8/24.131.3/36.1-/-10.4/12.020.8/24.131.3/ .023.9SINGLE POINT POWER SUPPLYMCA FUSE ORCKT BKR2035/3545/5060/-25/2535/3545/5060/-152O253530/3035/4050/50152O3O354525/2535/4050/60152O3O354535/3545/4560/602O253O4O45MAX RLA254 10.0254 11.4508 5.7254 13.9508 6.8254 12.8508 6.4254 15.9508 8.0-/-3.8/5.063.0 1.5 5.8 7.5/10.011.3/15.0-/-3.8/5.077.0 1.5 2.8 7.5/10.011.3/15.0539.0 0.8 1.5 1015-/-3.8/5.088.0 1.5 2.8 7.5/10.011.3/15.015/20544.0 0.8 1.5 10152O-/-3.8/5.093.0 1.5 4.2 7.5/10.011.3/15.015/20546.5 0.8 2.1 10152O-/-3.8/5.0124.0 3.1 6.2 7.5/10.011.3/15.014.9/19.9559.6 1.5 3.2 101519.916.829.9/31.842.8/46.956.1/61.918.6/18.631.7/33.644.6/48.757.8/63.79.916.924.431.921.7/21.734.8/36.747.7/51.860.9/66.873.4/81.610.818.325.833.340.921.7/21.7034.8/36.747.7/51.861.0/66.873.7/81.810.918.425.933.441.029.2/29.242.3/44.255.2/59.368.4/74.381.2/89.314.722.229.737.244.6MOCP-/70-/7070/7080/9070/7080/9070/8090/90LE ENO CQ USFLA -- Full Load AmpsLRA -- Locked Rotor AmpsMCA -- Minimum Circuit AmpsMOCP -- Maximum Overcurrent ProtectionRLA -- Rated Load AmpsCKT BKR -- Circuit BreakerNOTES:1. In compliance with NEC (National Electrical Code) requirementsfor multimotor and combination load equipment (refer to NECArticles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protective device for theunit shall be Power Supply fuse. Canadian units may befuse or circuit breaker.2. Minimum wire size is based on 60 C copper wire. If other than60 C wire is used, or if length exceeds wire length in table,determine size from NEC.3. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply VoltageNever operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply volt-age is greater than 2%. Use the following formula to determinethe percentage of voltage imbalance.% Voltage imbalance= 100 x max voltage deviation from average voltageaverage voltageEXAMPLE: Supply voltage is 460-3-60.A B C AB = 452 vBC = 464 vAC = 455 vAverage Voltage = 452 + 464 + 4553_ 13713= 457Determine maximum deviation from average voltage.(AB) 457 452=5v(B0) 464 457=7v(AC) 457 455 =2vMaximum deviation is 7 v.Determine percent of voltage imbalance.7% Voltage Imbalance = 100 x --457= 1.53%This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below themaximum allowable 2%.IMPORTANT: If the supply voltage phase imbalance ismore than 2%, contact your local electric utility companyimmediately.15