1. Five pieces of flange are shipped on tile return-air opening ofthe unit. Remove the flanges from the shipping position (SeeFig. 5). Screws are field-supplied.2. One piece of llange is used as it is shipped (straight). Bend theother 4 pieces at right angles.3. Install the straight flange on tile right side of tile return-airopening in holes provided. (See Fig. 6). Flanges should stickout li"om unit to allow l_)r connection of ductwork.4. Install 2 hand-lbrmed flanges onto mtum air opening in holesprovided to lbrm a rectangle around the remm air opening.5. Install remaining 2 hand-lbmled flanges around discharge airopening in holes provided.6. Duetwork can now be attached to flanges.When designing and installing ductwork, consider the lollowing:When connecting ductwork to units, do not drill deeper than3/4 inch in shaded area shown in Fig. 7 or coil may bedamaged.All units should have field-supplied filters installed in thereturn-air side of the unit. Recommended sizes lbr filters areshown in Table 1.Avoid abrupt duct size increases and reductions. Abrupt changein duct size adversely al'li:cts air perlbmmnce.IMPORTANT: Use flexible connectors between ductwork andunit to prevent transmission of vibration. Use suitable gaskets toensure weathertight and airtight seal. When electric heat isinstalled, use lire proof canvas (or similar heat resistant material)connector between ductwork and unit discharge connection. Ifflexible duct is used, insert a sheet metal sleeve inside duct. Heatresistant duct connector (or sheet metal sleeve) must ectend 24 in.li"om the unit discharge connection flange into the ductwork.Size ductwork lbr cooling air quantity (cfln). The minimum airquantity lbr proper electric heater operation is listed in Table 2.Heater lindt switches may trip at air quantities below thoserecommended.Insulate and weatherproof all external ductwork. Insulate andcover with a vapor barrier all ductwork passing throughconditioned spaces. Follow latest Sheet Metal and Air Condi-tioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) and AirConditioning Contractors Association (ACCA) mininmm in-stallation standards lbr residential heating and air conditioningsystems.Secure all ducts to building structure. Flash, weatherproof, andvibration-isolate duct openings in wall or ronf according togood construction practices.Fig. 8 shows a typical duct system with 5(tZH unit installed.CONVERTING HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE UNITS TODOWNFLOW (VERTICAL) DISCHARGEt • =Belbre perlorming service or maintenance operations onsystem, turn off main power to unit and install lockout tag.Turn off accessory heater power switch if applicable. Elec-trical shock can cause serious injury or death.Units are dedicated side supply products. They are not convertibleto verlical air supply. A field-supplied plenum nmst be used toconvert to vertical air discharge.Step 6--Provide for Condensate DisposalNOTE: Be sure that condensate-water disposal methods complywith local codes, restrictions, and practices.FIVE PIECES OF DUCTFLANGE ATTACHEDHERE FOR SHIPMENTCOOOO5Fig. 5--Shipping Location of Duct Flanges(Size 060 Only)HAND FORMSTRAIGHT PIECE C00006Fig. 6--Flanges Installed on 50ZH060 UnitsUnit removes condensate through a 1 3/64-in. 1D hole (using314-in. OD piping or tubing) which is located at the end of the unit.See Fig. 2-4 lbr location of condensate connection.Condensate water can be drained directly onto the roof in rool_opinstallations (where permitted) or onto a gravel apron in ground-level installations. Install a field-supplied condensate trap at end ofcondensate connection to ensure proper drainage. Make sure thatthe outlet of the trap is at least 1 in. lower than the drain-pancondensate connection to prevent the pan li"om overflowing. Primethe trap with water. When using a gravel apron, make sure it slopesaway from the unit.If the installation requires draining the condensate water awayfrom the unit, install a 2-in. trap using a 314-in. OD robing or pipe.(See Fig. 9 and lit.) Make sure that the outlet of the trap is at least1 in. lower than the unit drain-pan condensate connection toprevent the pan li"om overflowing. Prime the trap with water.Connect a drain tube using a minimum of 314-in. PVC, 314-in.