If the furnace is installed on a raised platform to provide a return-air plenum, and return air is taken directly from the hallway orspace adjacent to the furnace, all air for combustion must comefrom outdoors.2. All air from outside the structure:a. If combustion air is taken from outdoors through verticalducts, the openings and ducts MUST have at least 1 sq in.of free area per 4000 Btuh of the total input for allequipment within the confined space. (See Fig. 3.)For Example:58GFA FURNACEINPUT BTUHFREE AREA PEROPENING (SQ IN.)ROUND PIPE(IN. DIA)63,000 16.0 584,000 21.0 6105,000 26.5 6126,000 31.5 7147,000 37.0 7b. If combustion air is taken from the outdoors throughhorizontal ducts, the openings and ducts MUST have atleast 1 sq in. of free area per 2000 Btuh of the total inputfor all equipment within the confined space.For Example:58GFA FURNACEINPUT BTUHFREE AREA PEROPENING (SQ IN.)ROUND PIPE(IN. DIA)63,000 31.5 784,000 42.0 8105,000 52.5 9126,000 63.0 9147,000 73.5 10When ducts are used, they must be of the same cross-sectional areaas the free area of the openings to which they connect. Theminimum dimension of rectangular ducts must not be less than 3in. (See Fig. 3.)Do not install the furnace on its back; safety control operationwill be adversely affected. Never connect return-air ducts tothe back of the furnace. Failure to follow this warning cancause a fire, personal injury, or death.Step 3—Filter ArrangementThe factory-supplied filter(s) is shipped in the blower compart-ment. Determine location for the filter and move filter retaininghardware, if necessary, before attaching the return-air duct. Afterthe return-air duct has been connected to the furnace, install thefilter(s) inside the furnace blower compartment. See Fig. 4 for sidereturn application and Fig. 5 for bottom return application.Fig. 2—Air for Combustion and Ventilation(Inside Air)A89012SUPPLYAIR6″ MIN(FRONT) †RETURN AIRVENT THROUGH ROOF1 SQ IN.PER 1000BTUH* IN DOOROR WALL12″ MAX1 SQ IN.PER 1000BTUH* IN DOOROR WALL12″ MAXINTERIORHEATEDSPACE* Minimum opening size is 100 square in. withminimum dimensions of 3-In.† Minimum of 3-In. when type-B1 vent is used.UNCONFINEDSPACECONFINEDSPACEFig. 3—Air for Combustion and Ventilation(Outside Air)A890131 SQ IN.PER4000BTUH*DUCTSTOOUTDOORS1 SQ IN.PER 4000BTUH*SUPPLYAIRVENTTHROUGHROOFDBACE1 SQ IN.PER 4000BTUH*DUCTTOOUTDOORSRETURN AIR1 SQ IN.PER 2000BTUH*1 SQ IN.PER 2000BTUH*DUCTSTOOUTDOORS12″ MAX12″ MAX12″ MAXUse any of the followingcombinations of openings:A & B C & D D & E F & GNOTE:*Minimum dimensions of 3-In.CONFINEDSPACE12″MAX12″MAXOUTDOORS1 SQ IN.PER4000BTUH*FG4