EXAMPLE:100,000 Btuh input furnace installed at 4300 ft.Furnace InputRate atSea LevelXDerateMultiplierFactor=Furnace Input Rateat InstallationAltitude100,000 X 0.91 = 91,000CANADAAt installation altitudes from 2000 to 4500 ft, this furnacemust be derated 5 percent by an authorized Gas ConversionStation or Dealer. To determine correct input rate foraltitude, see example above and use 0.95 as derate multi-plier factor.b. Reinstall burner box cover.NOTE: Clocking gas input rate MUST always be performed withthe burner box cover INSTALLED.c. Check that gas valve adjustment caps are in place forproper input to be clocked.d. Obtain yearly heat value average for local gas supply.NOTE: Be sure heating value of gas used for calculations iscorrect for your altitude. Consult local gas utility for altitudeadjustment of gas heating value.e. Check and verify orifice size in furnace. NEVER ASSUMETHE ORIFICE SIZE. ALWAYS CHECK AND VERIFY.f. Turn off all other gas appliances and pilots.g. Move setup switch SW-2 to ON position. (See Fig. 25.)This keeps furnace locked in low-heat operation.h. Jumper R to W/W1.i. Let furnace run for 3 minutes in low-heat operation.j. Measure time (in sec) for gas meter to complete 1 revolu-tion. Note reading.k. Refer to Table 14 for cubic ft of gas per hr.l. Multiply gas rate cu ft/hr by heating value (Btu/cu ft).m. Move setup switch SW-2 to OFF position and jumper Rand W2 thermostat connections. (See Fig. 25.) This keepsfurnace locked in high-heat operation. Repeat items hthrough k for high-heat operation.EXAMPLE: (High-heat operation at 0—2000 ft altitude)Furnace input from rating plate is 100,000 BtuhBtu heating input = Btu/cu ft X cu ft/hrHeating value of gas = 975 Btu/cu ftTime for 1 revolution of 2-cu ft dial = 70 secGas rate = 103 cu ft/hr (from Table 14)Btu heating input = 103 X 975 = 100,425 Btuh In thisexample, the orifice size and manifold pressure adjustmentis within ±2 percent of the furnace input rate.NOTE: Measured gas inputs (high heat and low heat) must bewithin ±2 percent of that stated on furnace rating plate wheninstalled at sea level or derated per that stated above when installedat higher altitudes.n. Remove jumper across R, W/W1, and W2 thermostatconnections to terminate call for heat.SET TEMPERATURE RISETemperature rise must be within limits specified on unitrating plate. Recommended operation is at midpoint of rise orabove. Failure to follow this caution may result in condensingor overheating the heat exchangers.Furnace must operate within range of temperature rise specified onthe unit rating plate. Determine air temperature rise as follows:1. Place thermometers in return and supply ducts as near furnaceas possible. Be sure thermometers do not see heat exchangerso that radiant heat does not affect readings. This practice isparticularly important with straight-run ducts.2. When thermometer readings stabilize, subtract return-air tem-perature from supply-air temperature to determine air tem-perature rise.NOTE: Temperature rise can be determined for low-fire opera-tion by placing setup switch SW-2 on control center in ONposition. For high-heat operation, place setup switch SW-2 in OFFposition and jumper R-W2 on control center. DO NOT forget toreturn setup switch to OFF position and remove R-W2 jumperupon completion of testing. (See Fig. 25 for switch and terminallocation.)3. This furnace is capable of automatically providing properairflow to maintain the temperature rise within the rangespecified on unit rating plate. If temperature rise is outside thisrange, proceed as follows:Table 14—Gas Rate Cu Ft/HrSECONDSFOR 1REVOLUTIONSIZE OF TEST DIAL SECONDSFOR 1REVOLUTIONSIZE OF TEST DIAL1cu ft2cu ft5cu ft1cu ft2cu ft5cu ft10111213143603273002772577206556005555141800163615001385128650515253547271696867144141138136133360355346340333151617181924022521220018948045042440037912001125105910009475556575859656463626113112912612412232732131631030520212223241801711641571503603433273133009008578187837506062646668605856545312011611210910630029028127326525262728291441381331291242882772672572487206926676436217072747678515048474610310097959225725024323723130313233341201161131091062402322252182126005815635455298082848688454443424190888684822252202142092053536373839103100979592206200195189185514500486474462909294969840393838378078767574200196192188184404142434490888684821801761721671644504394294194091001021041061083635353433727169686718017817317016745464748498078767573160157153150147400391383375367110112116120333231306564626016416115515043