5. Route this extended tube (pink label) to condensate trap reliefport connection.6. Determine appropriate length, cut, and connect tube.7. Clamp tube to relief port connection.CONDENSATE TRAP FREEZE PROTECTIONRefer to Condensate Drain Protection section for recommenda-tions and procedures.CONSTRUCT A WORKING PLATFORMConstruct working platform where all required furnace clearancesare met. (See Fig. 3 and 10.)The condensate trap MUST be installed below furnace. SeeFig. 4 for dimensions. The drain connection to condensatetrap must also be properly sloped to an open drain.NOTE: Combustion-air and vent pipes are restricted to a mini-mum length of 5 ft. (See Table 5.)NOTE: A 12-in. minimum horizontal pipe section is recom-mended with short (5 to 8 ft) vent systems. This recommendationis to reduce excessive condensate droplets from exiting the ventpipe. (See Fig. 10 or 29.)LOCATIONStep 1—GeneralWhen a furnace is installed so that supply ducts carry air to areasoutside the space containing the furnace, return air must also behandled by ducts sealed to furnace casing. The ducts terminateoutside the space containing the furnace to ensure there will not bea negative pressure condition within equipment room or space.Furnace may be located in a confined space without specialprovisions for dilution or ventilation air. This furnace must beinstalled so electrical components are protected from water.If these furnaces are used during construction when adhe-sives, sealers, and/or new carpets are being installed, makesure all combustion and circulating air requirements arefollowed. If operation of furnace is required during construc-tion, use clean outside air for combustion and ventilation.Compounds of chlorine and fluorine, when burned withcombustion air, form acids which will cause corrosion of heatexchangers. Some of these compounds are found in paneling,dry wall adhesives, paints, thinners, masonry cleaning mate-rials, and many other solvents commonly used in constructionprocess.Excessive exposure to contaminated combustion air willresult in safety and performance related problems.Locate furnace as close to center of air distribution system aspossible.Locate furnace so combustion-air pipe lengths are not exceeded.Refer to Table 5.Fig. 11—Horizontal Right Tube ConfigurationA93354PLUGCOLLECTOR BOX DRAIN TUBE(BLUE AND WHITE STRIPED)INDUCER HOUSINGDRAIN TUBE (VIOLET)COLLECTOR BOXEXTENSION TUBECOLLECTOR BOX TUBE (GREEN)CAP COLLECTOR BOX DRAIN TUBE (BLUE)COLLECTOR BOX TUBE (PINK)CONDENSATETRAPNOTE: For proper furnace operation, install furnace so that it islevel or pitched forward within 1/2 in. to ensure proper condensatedrainage from secondary heat exchangers.A93025UPFLOW OR DOWNFLOW HORIZONTALFRONTLEVEL (0″)TO1⁄ 2″ MAX LEVEL (0″)TO1 ⁄2″ MAXFRONT11